Refusal to eat is the main mistake of those who want to lose weight. I eat and have already lost 60 kg in 2 years.


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Good day and delicious weight loss!

I often touch on the topic of low calorie content, because I myself stepped on this rake and corrected my own mistakes.

And I want you not to repeat my mistakes.

When I started my way of losing weight with 132 kg, of course, I read a lot of information, recommendations, often contradictory.

But no information will help better than the real experience of a real person.

I started my journey with 1700 kcal, although this calorie intake was too small for me. But like everyone else, I thought, well, what is there to waste time on trifles, but lose weight faster. The weight began to fly off quickly and very well, which made me happy.

But at one point, the weight got up and did not want to leave at all.

I tried a lot of recommendations, tried carbohydrate loading - it helped, but not for long. Then she increased her physical activity. And as a result, I came to a decrease in the daily calorie intake.

Having met a plateau again (the weight rose again), I decided to immediately reduce the calorie intake. And so I gradually came to a caloric intake of 1100-1200 kcal per day.

At the same time, the fat in my diet was 30-35 g per day.

And here the problems began: the hair fell out, the skin became dry, and the state of health was not very good.

And then, even at 1100-1200, the weight stopped leaving

I came to my senses in time and increased both the fats in the diet (up to 55-60 g per day), and began to increase the calorie intake to 1400 kcal per day.

For a long time I was marking time, consuming 1400 kcal per day.

And then I decided to reduce them to a minimum to 1300 kcal. And then the weight went down again. And I decided not to touch or break anything while the "system" is working.

I achieved my result - minus 60 kg.

It would be nice to part with another five kilograms. But this is all solvable. Now the main thing for me is to gradually accustom the body to an increase in calorie intake, so that while maintaining weight, everything that over 1300 (to which I was previously used to) does not go into the reserve.

In addition, it is necessary to rest from a calorie deficit, to give the body a break.

All this I have described here is why.

Very often I read in the comments, in the messages: “Why increase the calorie content of the diet, if I have enough food for 1000, 1110, 1200 calories? You can quickly lose weight by 1000. I am quite full. "

At the same time, the majority have a natural fear that by increasing the daily calorie intake, the weight will grow again.

First of all, with constant serious food restrictions, the body receives less nutrients and vitamins. Yes, this may not immediately affect your health, you will not see a sharp deterioration in health, but a favorable ground for the development of diseases will be laid.

Secondly, the risk of disruptions increases. Strong restrictions on food, the prohibition of many favorite foods - result in excessive absorption of food. And it's hard to stop.

Thirdly, our body is smart and adapts to the current state of affairs and with a large calorie deficit reduces metabolism and turns off many functions (and first of all, this is childbirth and everything connected with it), which he considers unnecessary in a critical situation, when he simply needs to survive.

Fourth, with a high calorie deficit, the body begins to burn more muscle mass. In the process of losing weight, in addition to fat, muscles are always lost, and the greater the deficit, the higher the likelihood that the body will begin to intensively take energy from amino acids and destroy muscle tissue.

As a result, we get a thin (as we wanted), but flabby body.

In the race for the result, do not forget that there is no return - about your health.

Thanks for your time and likes.
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I do not pretend to be a PP expert. Just sharing my experience. I am "OkoloPP"!

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