Good day to all and good mood.
On my channel, I share my experience of losing weight.
I keep a kind of diary in which I talk about my menu and share recipes for dishes on which I lose weight.
Even those who are losing weight can afford to bake. Yes Yes! It is not necessary to eat only vegetables and boiled chicken breast.
With proper nutrition and weight loss by counting calories in their deficit, you can also afford PP baked goods. One condition is that we include it in our daily calorie intake.
And, of course, we try to cook as low-calorie baked goods as possible, and all the dishes that are included in our diet.
Today I want to share with you a recipe for the most fragrant orange muffins. It's just a bomb! And no one will notice that the cupcakes are carrot!
Be sure to try it to rate.
✅We need the following ingredients:
- 1 medium carrot (100 g),
- 2 chicken eggs
- 2 tablespoons of rice whole grain flour (you can use whole wheat wheat),
- zest of 1 orange,
- 5-6 sachets (1 g each) of sweetener.
Rub the carrots on a fine grater.
Separate the whites from the yolks.
Rub the zest from the orange.
Next, grind the carrots with yolks, flour, orange zest and sweetener with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
Whisk the whites until they are strong (whites whisk better when they are chilled).
Combine the proteins with the carrot mixture and mix gently.
We put it in tins (I use silicone molds - cupcakes are remarkably behind them).
We bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
Let cool and remove from the mold.
The dough inside looks damp, but it is not soggy!
KBZHU per 100g: K - 202, B - 10.8, F - 7.4, U - 22.
The weight of one cake is about 30 g.
You can watch the video recipe on my YouTube channel link.
Thanks for your time and likes.
Subscribe to my channel if you are interested in my experience, recipes and communication.
I do not pretend to be a PP expert. Just sharing my experience. I am "OkoloPP"!