Food and drinks good for pancreas


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Why hurt the pancreas? How can you help her? Stimulate job or even revive? Your pancreas will tell you "thank you" for these dishes. Later in the article ...

Pancreas - the most important organ, which most of us know very little. But this happens as long as the pancreas begins to seriously disturb.

Pain and spasms quickly lead us to feel forced to throw everything and run to the pharmacy. However, the rush is detrimental.

If you have problems with the pancreas, we Herbs its pharmacy medicines and pills, hoping for a speedy recovery, but in reality only exacerbates the situation, just finishing off the body.

Our ancestors came to the treatment of pancreatic utmost care and only used folk remedies, without any chemistry.
Yes, probably, at the time there was such a number of questionable products, as they are now, because people do without sweet drinks and fast food.
However, the problem with poor quality and heavy food has always been.

Folk treatment pancreas

Diseases of the liver and pancreas in our day is not uncommon. The worst thing is that such problems do not occur only in the elderly, but also young people.

Not surprisingly, drugs for the treatment of pancreassold today in every pharmacy.

But how safe are these drugs? Because of side effects no one is immune.
But folk remedies can be influenced much softer.
And the therapeutic effect often exceeds all expectations.

Just 2 weeks, you can treat the pancreas via the infusion of herbs.
Pour in container 1 tablespoon chamomile and immortelle, zaley cup of boiling water (200 mL) and let stand for half an hour. After this, the infusion and use half a cup 30 minutes before meals twice a day.

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For fans of buckwheat is also found healer.
Simply Peremel buckwheat into flour and zaley a glass of kefir. Leave to infuse the night and in the morning you eat this dish instead of the usual breakfast.

Dairy products for the pancreas - a real salvation.

Recipe salutary elixir for pancreatic parsley on milk

Chop the parsley and zaley it boiled milk to lightly coat the greens.
Tom, a few minutes on low heat, not allowing to boil.
Serving 2 tablespoons mixture every hour during the day.

Curative for pancreatic considered and infusion of leafs.

Healing Recipe for pancreatic infusion of leafs

Mark 10 laurel leaves, rinse them, folded into a container and zaley 3 cups of boiling water.

Let it brew day.
Take half an hour before a meal 50 ml of tincture.

And finally, the most delicious and effective way to revitalize the pancreas using pumpkin and millet.

Recipe Animation pancreatic couscous with pumpkin


  • 200 g of millet
  • 300 g of purified pumpkin
  • 2 liters of drinking water
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter


Boil water and washed it vsyp millet, broth until done.

Sodium pumpkin and add to the porridge, cooked until getting mashed.

Grind the finished porridge with butter.
Hold this healing dish for dinner. The entire day you can eat as usual. The positive effect is noticeable already after a couple of days.

Restoration of the pancreas - important work that is urgent, but not to hurt yourself, do not hurt at first to hear the opinion of the attending physician.

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