Fish 🐟 "BAKE" fast


This is the first time I have cooked fish this way. Recipe for lazy people)
This is the first time I have cooked fish this way. Recipe for lazy people)

I have already written many times that I love recipes that combine both the main dish and the side dish.

See on my channel, there are a bunch of recipes, where in one: a whole lunch. For example: BulkoNozhki, Fancy sweets, Lunch in a bag, etc. )

Cooking today with deputy football blogger casserole "Simpler than simple"(he comes up with the names for me, by the way).

πŸ‘‡What is requiredπŸ‘‡

* fish fillet 🐟 (any) we still have a piece of perch fillet - 100 gr (!!!)

* pasta (pastaπŸ˜‰) any - 200 gr

* hard cheese - 50 gr

* kefir / fermented baked milk / yogurt / acidophilus / - 1 glass

* Italian herbs (or any other spices) - a pinch


photo of the author

Fish fillet cut portioned. (Don't look at the plaque, it's microboard), there really were no more than 100 grams of fish.

Salt, pepper πŸ‘‡

photo of the author

Cooking fill for "bake": kefir (or something fermented) mix with herbs, salt and pepper, cheese rub on a fine grater πŸ‘‡

photo of the author

In a baking dish (oiled with vegetable oil) lay out fish and dry pasta on the sides πŸ‘‡

photo of the author

Fill with fill completely (sorry for the tautology) πŸ‘‡

photo of the author

From above sprinkle cheese πŸ‘‡

photo of the author

AND send in the oven (very preheated) for 35-40 minutes. We get casserole "Simpler than simple" πŸ‘‡

photo of the author
photo of the author

☝☝☝ Delicious fish and pasta casserole ready☝☝☝

🀀And the smell!!! 🀀

🍴Bon Appetit🀀🍴

And yes, who else is looking for mine deputy football blogger, then his channel is called like this:


For like plus in karma ✊! For a subscription - hugged πŸ™Œ For questions - I will answer with pleasure. ✌ All good! πŸ™

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