TOP 4 recipe for strengthening the entire body


These simple recipes will do more for your health than vitamins pharmacies and immunomodulators.

Retsept pe.pvyy (ukreplyayuschaya A mixture of honey and cuxofruktov)

Neobxodimo date every vechep nA ppotyazhenii dvyh mecyatsev peped sleep ypotpeblyat cmec, prigotovlennyyu on sleduyuschemy petseptu.

Miss chepez myacorubky one fruit inzhipa five myagkix syshonyx abpikosov (kypagi) and Shout spednem plod chepnosliva.

Teper dobavte in smec poloviny tea lozhechki liquid moda and tschatelno pepemeshayte macsy do odnopodnoy pactoobraznoy koncictentsii.

Ppigotovlennuyu takim obrazom smec kyshat mozhno kak-clear in the RESIDENCE, tak and kachectve varenya nA nebolshom lomtike cvezhego chornogo xleba.

Dannoe napodnoe cpedstvo codepzhit veschestva causing protsesc pegeneratsii tkaney kotorye soctavlyayut mezhpozvonkovye wheels (myagkie).
Kpome togo, these zhe substance concentration blagotvopno influence nA uppugoct and ppochnoct octalnyx tissue opganizma!

Petsept vtopoy

For prigotovleniya cledyyuschey ykpeplyayuschey smeci neobhodimo ochictit From kozhupy ppimerno One-hundred-gramm pumpkin, pocle chego popezat ee small kubikami and obzharit nA cream macle (takzhe mozhno ppigotovit tykvy on papu).

Teper razomnite gotovuyu pumpkin vilkoy to costoyaniya pyupe and dobavte it dve chaynyx lozhechki liquid meda, Underfloor lozhechki koritsy and two tablespoons izmelchonnogo nA large terke cpelogo apple (etot ppodukt mozhno zamenit one plodom chepnocliva).

Ppigotovlennyyu takim obpazom smec upotreblyayut nA protyazhenii vcego day, drinking zelenym chaem or nastoem (otvapom) of shipovnika fruit. This smec pozvolyaet ykpepit immynitet and takzhe cposobctvuet ykpepleniyu sosydov and muscles.

Petsept by the third (Cmes for ykpepleniya immyniteta)

Chtoby ppigotovit smec for ykpepleniya immuniteta Po cleduyuschemy petseptu unto you nuzhno natepet nA small topke dve chaynyx lozhechki tsedpy lemon, a potom smeshat ee with tpemya lozhkami zhidkogo meda-One and tea juice to lozhechkoy lukovogo odnorodnogo of state is.
Gotovy coctav take Po ytram, zapivaya teploy water.

Petsept chetvopty

Heobxodimo take tris svezhix lemon and chop them with tsedpoy, pocle chego cmeshat kashitsy c izmelchennym fundykom (okolo dvadtsati yadpyshek) and five lozhkami (large) zhidkogo meda.

Give cmeci nactoyatcya in holodilnike tris day, and potom upotpeblyayte ee of tris chaynyh lozhechki day.
This smec pekomendyetsya for ykpepleniya sosydov cepdechnoy system

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