I want to share my life hack that I have been using with garlic for a long time. I hope my advice is useful to you too, so use it to your health.
So, today we will talk about garlic. More precisely, about garlic that has deteriorated and has become unusable or inconvenient: dried out, covered with brown spots, began to germinate, etc.
Often the problem lies in storage conditions, or in the fact that the crop was not harvested correctly. Let's not go into this. We just have garlic, which for some reason is no longer what it should be.
If the garlic is dry
Previously, I always threw away dried garlic. But then one woman at work suggested to me that this garlic can still be used.
So, we clean the cloves from the husk. If there are brown spots, cut them off.
And then we grind dry garlic in a mill or coffee grinder - it turns out an excellent seasoning for any dish! And it is stored for a long time, does not spoil.
If the garlic just started to go bad
And this option is for garlic that did not dry out, but began to deteriorate - brown spots appeared, began to germinate, etc.
We clean the slices from the husk. We cut off brown spots, green shoots. Washing is not advisable! We cut each clove lengthwise into two parts and put it on a baking sheet or tray, covered with the most ordinary white paper.
We put the slices with the cut up and leave in a ventilated room, avoiding direct sunlight. Turn them every 1-2 days. The garlic will dry completely in 10-14 days.
Then we just put it in a dry glass jar and use it for cooking. Or you can grind it in a coffee grinder or a spice mill, as in the method I described at the beginning of the article.
These are my ways of preserving garlic.
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