What is Marinade and what happens during the marinating MEAT?


Why do you need to marinate the meat, what happens to the meat in the process of marinating? Let us examine in a scientific way!

In the process of marinating the meat becomes soft and tender and delicious.

Pickling - a product placement in a special environment (the marinade), as a rule, the acid and liquid.

Product is applied for pre-processing (marinating meat with a view to its softening point and subsequently accelerating the preparation, for example - Barbecue).

Also, for long term storage of the product.

Virtually all fluids, which we use for marinating meat, the acidity of the medium is higher than necessary for the formation of Working muscle protein tertiary structure: in yogurt and wine among the weakly acid by a correspondingly dairy and fruit acids.

Marinades based on vinegar (excluding spices) may be simply regarded as a dilute acetic acid solution.

The tertiary structure of proteins (actin and myosin no exception) sensitive to the environment of acidity (acid content formed during dissociation ions H +), and denaturation of proteins in the presence of acid: tightly packed fiber actin and myosin change shape, becoming more and untwining loose.

As a result, our jaws to cope more easily with the well-marinated meat!

However, keep in mind that long marinating can destroy too much of the protein strands, making it easier for the loss water from the meat roasting on the fire, and pickling to reach the opposite effect - will make the meat only tougher.

That is why for a long time to maintain the meat in the marinade is not recommended!

Mineral water is less acidic compared not only with wine, yogurt and vinegar, but with the characteristic acidity of the muscle fibers.

Marinating also allows you to increase the juiciness of the meat through a process known as osmosis.

Briefly its essence can be explained as follows: ions of soluble salts present in the muscle tissue and ionized forms of these salts, but their concentration is less than the concentration of salts in the marinade (especially if based on mineral marinade water).

The difference in concentration will result in that the marinade is absorbed by the meat to equilibrate - ion concentrations alignment of the fibers in the meat and marinade.

But the absorption of meat marinade, in turn, lead to an increase in its water content.

Even if some of this water is lost during frying, heat treatment does not dry up our meal (besides, of course, everything is good in moderation).

Conclusion: Marinate the meat necessary, but do not overdo the marinade.
You delicious meat, kebabs, pork, or whatever you want to cook!

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