How to choose the lamb, the meat was no smell?


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Indifferent to the lamb there.
There are those who can not tolerate it: what kind of taste and smell of a...
And there are those who loves lamb and says it is the same, only with admiration.
"Mutton is necessary to be able to choose and to know how to cook," - they explain breathlessly.

How to choose a tasty lamb market

Mutton - meat greasy. Fat she is of two kinds: internal and kurdjuchnyj.
Not one little bit sane recipe pilaf with lamb without sheep fat is not complete, so that the market is looking for an appropriate piece.
If someone does not know: rump - a fat bag under the tail of a sheep.

In the East since ancient times believed that kurdjuchnyj fat prolongs life, clears the mind and improves potency.
In some animals, the weight of the bag with fat in the seat up to twenty kilograms - the spectacle is not for the faint of heart, it is absolutely indecent. In sheep rump much less.
However, for the preparation of pilaf of lamb experts recommend looking for is the meat of the male - say, a sheep is not authentic.

First of all check with the seller, wether or not.
If the delicate operation was not carried out, the meat is not suitable for cooking.

Check is made in the usual old-fashioned way: asking Seller cut a piece of meat or fat and ignite it.

If it stinks, sorry, urine - do not take, and the smells of burning flesh - take.

By the way, the meat of the old, well-pozhivshego ram is also just stink, and no smell.
And the fat it looks different: fluffy, yellow and gray.
So track and quality of fat, which should cover a thin layer of meat.

If you want to cook ribs, look very young lamb.
The fact that the lamb ribs grow all life, respectively, at the young animal bones very thin, the space between them is filled with tender meat.
The old sheep ribs are wide, and the gaps between them is quite narrow, so that the meat, and hard to the same, there are a few.

Sometimes, under the guise of lamb slip goat.
For its preparation required a huge amount of spices and a long soak.
So buy mutton best sellers tested if not you, but someone from your friends.

If you do happen to hit and dragged home a piece of old, old sheep, do not despair: try to soak it in vodka, and in the process of cooking, add the cinnamon and pine nuts.

By the way, these recommendations are suitable and in case of purchase of the normal meat - for those who have specific mutton smell can not stand.

It is said that when the cattle slaughtered, it is under stress, and this affects the quality of the meat.
Therefore, from the point of view of the mountain peoples need to score quickly, without feeling pity.
Add to this widespread belief ram as animal bluntness, so fearless...
In short, he does not feel stress, so there is this stress in the form of meat you do not have. The above applies to sheep slaughtered in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

Another important point - to check whether the meat peremorozheno.

A method known: click on the desired piece of a finger, and then ten minutes stroll through the mall.
When he returned, to see if the pit is filled with blood.

Filled - hence the animal was slaughtered properly, and its carcass peremorozhena.
Lastly, to touch the meat should not be slimy - hardly the meat fresh.

How to choose a good lamb in store

In supermarkets, it is sometimes the New Zealand lamb. Its purchase and expensive restaurants for the discerning customer.

In general, the largest supplier in the world market - Australia, however, New Zealand lamb, grown in superior environmental and other conditions listed above.
The most tender, juiciest, most neutral in terms of the characteristic smell, this lamb may disappoint fans of Caucasian and Central Asian cuisine complete absence of sheep fat in it.

It is clear that to set fire to a piece of meat or fat in the shop nobody will give you, so that there will have to rely on the honesty of suppliers.

And cook at home a traditional English dish - saddle of lamb with mint sauce...

Thank you for reading to the end!

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