Rating the best tea: Top 12 brands of manufacturers


What tea the best - black, green, big leaf or in bags? And manufacturers? Packaging? How to choose?

Introducing rating best tea for 2018.

For more than 5000 years old tea is the favorite drink of millions.
He invigorates the morning and perfectly tones during the day.

Keep warm winter evenings drink it hot, and to quench their thirst in the heat to drink ice is added.

A huge number of companies around the world produces 1,000 different species and varieties of tea.

In such a variety of hard to find the best drink, so we have compiled a ranking based on expert opinion and customer reviews.

The top 12 brands of tea

According to the experts.
According to the experts.

However, tea consumers, those that drink it every day, made its rating.
Thus, according to the polls the best teas are collected in the table below.

According to buyers and consumers of these brands of tea more likely to buy and know.
According to buyers and consumers of these brands of tea more likely to buy and know.

By the way, more and more Russians are buying tea is not in the supermarkets and in bulk in specialty stores and tea shops, where the selection of the most popular in our country, the hot drink is very high.

But how not to make a mistake and buy tea in weight, that will appeal to you and your family? Some simple and useful tips with us divided experts.

1. aroma
The pleasant smell of dry tea leaves and aromatic additives should not be the sole criterion for selection of drinks.

2. Herbal tea
If you want to buy herbal tea varieties, not only trust the inscriptions on the packaging and the recommendations of the seller. It is better to specify in advance on the Internet.

3. exotic tea
We recommend that you carefully study the complete composition of the product that you purchase. Not to buy tea, which is impossible to drink because of the smell or taste.

4. Range
Do not hurry with a choice of tea, but rather to explore the whole range of carefully.

5. number
When buying an unfamiliar tea first take on the sample is very small amount.

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