These tools can help in the fight against pain in the stomach.
When the pain in the stomach to help people following methods:
Effective means that is used when stomach ache - turmeric.
Turmeric Treatment involves daily consumption of 3 grams of the product for two months.
Also from this plant can use the following recipe, which helps with gastric diseases: pour large spoon of turmeric third of a glass of boiling water, mix well, pour into a glass of milk and add honey.
Drinking milk is required in the form of heat at bedtime. -
Help cope with the painful discomfort of the digestive system Bay leaf.
To do this, fill in the seven laurel leaves a glass of water and put on the fire to boil, add salt and boil for 15 minutes after boiling.
When the drug of laurel leaves to cool, strain it through cheesecloth and drink two or three times.
It takes the pain after drinking marshmallow.
To do this, you can make medicinal syrup, based on the marshmallow.
Two grams necessary to crush a main ingredient, to fill it with water and wine alcohol in a ratio of 1 g to 45 g, add 60 g of sugar and leave to infuse.
Drink marshmallow is necessary every two to three hours on two spoons.
This popular drug is effective for the treatment of stomach pain in children. Only in the children's recipe marshmallow should be mixed with fruit syrup.
Children need to eat syrup on a small spoon diluted in half a glass of water, five times a day. -
Remove unpleasant symptom in the abdomen can be lemon juice.
It is an effective remedy does not require a lot of effort to prepare, enough to mix half a cup of water with two little spoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
Eat in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Folk remedies Treatment of acute and severe pain in the abdomen can include bowel cleansing.
Performed cleansing lemon and castor oil.
For this it is necessary to dial castor oil in a vessel separate from the calculation: one drop of castor liquid per 1 kg of body weight.
Then - to add to the castor means to cleanse the bowel lemon in a ratio of 1: 2, to heat and drink, washed down with juice.
Vegetable oils help with pain in the stomach.
Sunflower is able to envelop the stomach wall and protect the intestinal mucosa.
Due to this property sunflower product can be treated with duodenal ulcer disease.
To do this on an empty stomach to eat every day on a tablespoon of sunflower funds.
Gastritis effectively apply the olive oil.
In this disease, it has positive effects on the digestive system and liver.
Olive drink should be for three months on a daily basis over a small spoonful on an empty stomach.
Since olive "dish" has a specific odor and taste, when patients with gastric allowed to use it as a filling of various dishes.
Take care of yourself and do not get sick!
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