Walnut-seed oil mixture. Essential fats in digestible form


We need oils, but not fried, not refined and generally not in liquid form, but in natural form, i.e. in seeds (with fiber). Only in this form are they easily digestible.

If you constantly water, for example, lettuce, etc. dishes with butter, then it, enveloping the product, will worsen digestion (there will be "an effect like water off a duck's back!") and therefore, it makes sense to use such oils not every day, but at least every other day - once every 2-3 days and not more often.

While people are trying to squeeze something out of something, in nature everything is already balanced and served in a digestible form on a platter with a blue border! Even freshly squeezed juices are not always useful, because sugar quickly penetrates (strikes) into the blood, and with fiber (whole apple, orange, pear, carrot, beet ...) is slow = normal absorption of beneficial substances.

It is better not to pour the same salad with oil, but sprinkle with seeds (sunflower seed, flax seed, sesame, etc.). We make ourselves this "butter blend" and get our daily intake of healthy fats.


1. Walnuts - 10 pcs

2. Flax seed - half a cup

3. Dates - 5 pcs (or 1 tablespoon of honey)

4. Nutmeg - a pinch (without it)

5. Water - 1 glass

(+ you can use sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds, amaranth, etc.)


Soaked flax seeds overnight and (not peeled walnuts, in general they are soaked for 6 days).

In the morning (afternoon), they split the nuts, placed them in a blender container, added dates or honey, oil and warm water.

Grind everything together for about 2 minutes. We put the resulting seed-nut mixture into a cup or a convenient jar (for example: from a chocolate paste) and have a pleasant tea party, friends.

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Walnut-seed oil mixture. Healthy fats

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