Oh, this scent! Fir is glad both young and old! Let's make a simple fir infusion.
1. Fir twig
2. Lemon - 1 wedge (+ additional serving of vitamin C for better liver stimulation, but you can do without it)
3. Water - 1 glass
A sprig of fresh fir (or dried) is extracted, washed, clipped with scissors, placed in a thermos, filled with hot water, left to infuse overnight.
In the morning it is filtered through a strainer, a drop of lemon juice is squeezed out before use and sipped 1-2 times a day during meals (put in the refrigerator). Aroma!
It is great to rinse your mouth with this infusion for disinfection, take it with you to the bathhouse (sauna) and splash on the stove to get useful phytoncides that heal the lungs, which is now extremely important (everyone took care of the health of their lungs systems). Fir aromatherapy is a great option for this purpose (other needles smell differently!) Have a fragrant day, friends!
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