Treatment of arthritis, gout and joint pain GARLIC


Aching joints? Try these recipes.

How to treat joints garlic

In folk medicine, this herb is used to cure many ailments and joint diseases such as gout and arthritis are no exception.

Garlic helps to restore and clean the joints thus helping the patient to return to the usual pace of life.

People's recipe, which improves joint function with the analgesic effect.

Garlic with vegetable oil

Clean 300-400 grams of garlic, run it through a meat grinder, put in a quart jar and fill it with good unrefined vegetable oil.

Insist 2 weeks in a dark place, stirring the contents of the daily.
Get the garlic oil.
Filter it through 3-4 layers of cheesecloth.

Dosing: rubbed into the affected area (e.g., lower back osteochondrosis or joints in osteoarthritis).

Cover the polythene and a warm scarf for the night.

From the first days feel relief, restoration of mobility and decreased pain. The course of two months.

Garlic improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the patient's joint, thereby contributing to the restoration of its functions.

Recipe tincture of iodine for joints with garlic


Garlic - 4 cloves
Iodine - 30 ml (about 3 vial)


All the specified number of teeth should be carefully grind, for the most finely possible.
Then pour the crumbled components of iodine and send to infuse for 7 days in a dark place, sbaltyvaya contents from time to time.

Use this tincture exclusively outward, striking it on the inflamed area, but not more than 3 times a day.

However, the skin with soap and water should be remembered that a remedy before applying to clean and wiping it dry, and wear rubber gloves, because after using the palm of the drug can darken.
Samu tincture is best stored in a cool place in dark glass containers, so that the medicine has not lost its healing properties.

Cranberries, honey, garlic for the joints - an effective recipe from joint diseases

For the preparation of a therapeutic agent needed for 1 course:

Garlic - 200g
Honey - 1 kg
Cranberry - 1 kg


In the first place the garlic and cranberries should scroll through the wringer using a grating with small holes.
The resulting mixture should be mixed and sent to a refrigerator for 24 hours.
After this time, add to the mix the last component - honey and thoroughly mix.
Ready to take the medicine should be before meals 3 times a day for 1 st. l.
If the disease has passed in more advanced forms, the admission of this tool should be extended to 2-3 courses and straight.

However, remember that before you begin to use these means of traditional medicine recommend a consultation with a physician.
In particular, if you present any chronic disease, and the presence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients better and refuse at all from this kind of technique.

Take care of yourself and do not get sick!

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