2 things in the house that cause depression and unpleasant emotions. I checked my apartment.


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Today I will tell about two things in the house that cause unpleasant emotions and depression. In most cases, we not only do not suspect that the following things are worsening our mood, but in principle we do not pay attention to them. Nevertheless, day after day they catch our eye and little by little, but regularly harm our peace of mind. Therefore, it will be much better to get rid of them once and for all. I checked my apartment, I write what happened.

1. Old sets. I am sure that in many houses there are old sets that were donated or inherited by relatives with the words "use for special moments." As a rule, we rarely use such a "gift" service, at best a couple of times a year, or even take it out just to wipe the dust. It is this situation that can adversely affect our mood, since, looking at these cups, we subconsciously think, are there really so few reasons in our life to get a "festive service".

Photo taken by the author (I have such a set in the living room)
Photo taken by the author (I have such a set in the living room)

In fact, there are enough reasons, but just this

the service is already obsolete and it was replaced by new cups and plates. Personally, I have a word for word identical situation - in the living room there is a service that is very many years old, but no one has been using it for a long time, although it is in a prominent place. There are three options for how you can fix the situation, firstly you can get a service and use it on a daily basis, Secondly sell it, and thirdly, if it's a pity to sell - just remove from a prominent place. I used the third option.

2. Excessive number of mirrors in the house. All people, especially women, have the tendency to be dissatisfied with their appearance. When there are many mirrors in the house, passing by each of them, we involuntarily evaluate ourselves and exaggerate our, completely insignificant, shortcomings, which can be made up in general. Therefore, it is better to abandon the many mirrors in the apartment. I liked the article - rate it like and if you have not yet subscribed to the channel, be sure to subscribe!

Photo taken by the author (I have extra mirrors only in the closet with clothes)

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