Today I will tell how to properly wash fruits, vegetables and herbs in order to reliably disinfect them from any viruses. Thorough washing of vegetables and fruits has always been an important element of food preparation for our health. Today, due to the unstable epidemiological situation around the world, the relevance of this process has increased even more.
Before washing vegetables or fruits, you need wash your hands thoroughly with soap in warm water. The vegetables and fruits themselves should be washed with water at a temperature that matches the fruit, as the temperature drops, microorganisms can penetrate into the product. Of course, experts advise not to wash vegetables and fruits with soap, but to soak them in a solution, since if the soap is not thoroughly washed off, it can cause intestinal upset. But today it is better to play it safe and not neglect soap.
So, vegetablesrinse under running water, wash thoroughly with soap and soak for 10 minutes in a solution of vinegar and salt
(2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then rinse again under running water. We do the same with fruits only soak in a solution with baking soda (2 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water).After all the procedures, do not forget to thoroughly wash the sink, dishes in which the fruits were soaked and disinfect the sponges. Scroll the photo to the right.Greens follow rinse in running water, cut off the roots, soak in a solution of vinegar and salt for 10 minutes (solution as for vegetables) and rinse again. If the article was useful for you - put your finger up and subscribe to the channel! Scroll the photo to the right.