What cookbooks are silent about: the maximum heating temperature for meat, poultry and fish. If it is higher, it will become tasteless


What cookbooks are silent about: the maximum heating temperature for meat, poultry and fish. If it is higher, it will become tasteless

I noticed that many people are against baking food in the oven for one simple reason: first they arrange a crematorium for them, and then they say that, ox firstly, the initial products became "not the same", and, secondly, our ancestors had ovens and everything was baked well there, and we have ovens - and then everything badly.

I know a couple of at least families, in one of them several models of stoves have been changed over several years, in the other after the usual the stoves bought a chic, expensive oven with bells and whistles, and the food... as it was baked to the state of a fried mummy, and stayed.

The ovens are to blame, of course.

In fact, this is not so much a matter of the equipment as of the mentality. After all, we have a very dense thought that if the meat or chicken is a little pinkish and gives out a lot of juice, it means that it is damp.

But excuse me, gentlemen! The pinkish meat is quite ready, and a lot of juice - because he was not allowed to rest and calm down. It's the same with a bird. And with fish.

The temperature in the middle of a baked product will never reach the same temperature as on the surface. With blood (especially in roast beef) from 58, maximum 59 degrees, all that is higher - varying degrees of baking.

Therefore, in terms of time and baking temperature, you can focus on average indicators:

  1. Whole chicken- 175 degrees in the oven, 20 minutes for every 450 grams of weight + 10-15 minutes on top
  2. Thigh or breast fillet - 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees (the thicker the piece, the higher the temperature can be raised)
  1. Mutton - at a temperature of 180 degrees, if in pieces - then thirty minutes, if whole - about 30 minutes for every 350 grams, if on the bone - we subtract ten minutes from the total time.
  2. Pork - 180-200 degrees and in time - 30-35 minutes for a piece not exceeding 500 grams. If the piece is large, then we multiply proportionally, if the piece is still with the bone, we subtract ten minutes from the total time (after multiplication).
  3. Beef - 180-200 degrees, but the time depends on the piece, the softer it is, the less time. On average, for a soft piece of about half a kilogram, 30-40 minutes is enough, if the piece is denser, then up to 50 minutes.
  4. Fish - 180 degrees, time depends not only on the size of the piece, but also on the variety. White fish will last 15 minutes, and red ones too. You can increase it if you cook a huge salmon whole.

Here I will add - I take into account the cooking time for food at room temperature.

It is easier, of course, to determine the cooking temperature inside the piece, for this a thermometer with a probe should be started.

Beef medium roast with blood will be a temperature of 62-63 degrees, but without blood - 70, if lice is a strong roast. Higher is 75 degrees, but not 80. At eighty, you will get a hard, not juicy rusk. The same thing with pork - 70-75 degrees in the middle of a piece and that's enough!

Have birds the breast should not be brought to a temperature above 70 degrees, in other parts - you can up to eighty, but the goose and duck can become stiff at the same time, so it is better to raise the same 75 degrees in them.

Well and fish completely cooked at 62 degrees.

Bon Appetit!

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