The most effective folk remedies for recovery after stroke


Stroke is developing very rapidly, and the delay in his treatment leading to the death of nerve cells.

Of course, such a dangerous disease should be monitored in a hospital, but in the fight against stroke, all means are good.

Therefore, many people who have had this disease, to restore all body functions are used in conjunction with traditional medicine and a variety of proven tools of the popular field.

Important! It is worth remembering that treating stroke folk remedies should go in conjunction with the medication prescribed by the doctor.

So, we find out the most effective ways to recover after undergoing the disease with traditional medicine methods.

Recipe number 1 folk remedy - honey-based

To prepare an effective cleaning mixture will need:

1 cup honey;
half a cup of fennel seeds;
1 tablespoon valerian (crushed).

Cooking method:
Interconnect all the ingredients, pour into a thermos and pour two liters of boiling water.
This means infused exactly day, after it can be poured into a jar or other container, stored in a cold place.

Honey infusion is recommended to take half an hour before each meal and 1 tablespoon of food
Duration of treatment - up to 7-10 days. Repeat the cleansing of the body in this way can every 3-4 months.

Recipe folk remedy № 2 - lemon honey mixture

For it will need a common set of ingredients that have virtually any kitchen:

0.5 liters. natural honey;
1 cup squeezed lemon juice;
half a cup of extra virgin olive oil.

All the ingredients are mixed, the resulting slurry is stored in a refrigerator, it is also, like the previous one, eat three meals a day for 20 minutes before eating.
Fully purification procedure lasts 10-14 days, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than six months.

These means are effective in order to quickly recover from patients suffering stroke, to clean the blood vessels, and to improve their elasticity and permeability.

Recovery from stroke folk remedies will go much faster if you use herbal therapy, because herbal medicine is popular for several years in our country, remember that before it is treated with all the herbs disease.

Decoctions and infusions of herbal used not only to treat the consequences of suffering a disease, but also as a preventive measure.

So, what herbal teas.

Often, after undergoing the disease, patients have a severe speech disorder.

In order to return the speech function is recommended to use a tincture of sage.

It is best in the morning brew strong tea of ​​sage and drink sips throughout the day.

It is also recommended to take a bath with the addition of broth Shalfeeva.

Need three cups of brewed component two liters of boiling water, let stand for 10-15 minutes and pour into the prepared bath.

Often in patients with stroke, there is a partial or complete paralysis of the limbs.

In this situation, it is shown taking tincture of thyme.

On the 50th c. dried herbs, you must add 100 ml. vodka or alcohol, to put away from sunlight for 14 days.

Said tincture can be rubbed the paralyzed limb.

Also become powdered recommended after a stroke and a decoction of juniper, its leaves are crushed and boiled for 15 minutes, and then insist 2-3 hours and filtered.

The broth must be kept at a temperature of 4-6 degrees.

Here are the most effective ways of folk recipes and after a stroke, with which you can cope with the consequences of the disease.

It is important to remember not to proceed with the treatment of the effects of recent infection.
They can cope if we use traditional methods of treatment in the first month after a stroke, then it is possible to get rid of the complications of the disease.

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