The truth about... Mackerel: helpful or harmful to the fish?


Fans of the fish do not get tired to extol the dignity of mackerel: tasty, flavorful, tender, in any form looks good - on the holiday table or a picnic by the fire.
But the main thing - the fish has beneficial properties and can help in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Who is - mackerel?

Mackerel is found in the waters off the coast of America, Norway, Ireland and Europe: in Marmara, Mediterranean and Black Seas. Prefers warmed the upper layers of the water and migrate in search of warm habitats.
It feeds on small fish and plankton. Move apart in packs, which are not adjacent to other marine life.

The nutritional value

The composition of mackerel contains proteins and fats. During the spring spawning level of fat in the fish carcass falls to 13%, and reaches a maximum in the fall - 28%.

In addition, fish contains useful for the organism:

vitamins: B12, A, E, D, PP;
mineral compounds: zinc, iodine, chromium, phosphorus, sodium;
amino acids;
unsaturated fatty acids omega-3.

Caloric content (191 kcal per 100 g) makes mackerel welcome guest on the tables of those who are keeping fit. The share of the proteins accounts 72, and on the proportion of fat - 119 kcal.

Beneficial features

The distinguishing features of the fish - its components are well absorbed by the human body.
Participating in metabolism, they increase resistance to disease, physical exercise and stress, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, reduce cholesterol, positively affect the brain tissue and improve memory.

The most important beneficial qualities associated with the content of unsaturated fatty acids. Regular consumption of up to 100 g per day of fish It reduces the risk of cancer, heart attacks and blood clots.

However, doctors recommend not eating oily fish more than 3 times a week, because it contains small amounts of noxious compounds in t. H. mercury.

The complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids essential for the growing organism in early childhood and adolescence. The use of mackerel in the food (2-3 times per week) is shown lactating and pregnant women.

Calcium and phosphorus strengthens skeleton bones, teeth, hair and nails, to prevent osteoporosis in old age.

A beneficial effect on the skin is manifested in persistent and long-term remission of dermatitis.

Opinion that fatty fish can cause harm wishing to lose weight and gives weight gain, wrongly: protein mackerel has a low calorific value as compared with the proteins in the meat of animals. Furthermore, unsaturated fats do not contribute to weight gain.

Grilled mackerel partially retains the benefit to the body, but becomes negative qualities: Soak up with overcooked fish oil is carcinogenic and can cause health problems.

Thanks to this huge amount of nutrients ingestion promotes mackerel:

increase in the body's defenses;
reduce the risk of cancer;
improve vision;
reduce headache pain associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis;
prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
saturation of the heart and brain circulation;
improve memory;
weakening psoriasis;
metabolism and regulation of hormone levels;
reduce the content of carcinogens;


The use of mackerel in the food, as a rule, does not cause adverse reactions and does not cause harm to the body, except:

individual intolerance;
liver or pancreatic diseases precluding reception fatty and smoked foods;
renal insufficiency.

Mackerel in dietary

Mackerel, you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes. They enjoy not only those who are on a diet, but also other family members.

Fish boiled, baked, stewed, soar, fried, stuffed, pickled and salted.
It combines perfectly with the low-calorie foods such as vegetables, rice, oats, buckwheat and corn porridge.

Mackerel prepare the first dish - nourishing soup with carrots and spicy greens. Spicy flavor savory food gives a small amount of rosemary and dill.

Bake better in foil or sleeve to keep all the healing properties of the original product.
As a marinade is usually used lemon juice. He fills fish gentle citrus aroma.

Useful dietary prescriptions of mackerel apply for baby food.
Fish has no small bones, and large easy to extract from boiled or stewed product. These dishes will not harm the baby.

Useful mackerel:

expectant mothers and breastfeeding women - for fetal nutrition and lactation;
adolescents - for the normal formation of the internal organs;
young children - for the uniform development of the brain and the body in general.

Also seen its use for the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to use for diabetics and elderly people.

Eating oily fish protects against asthma, people with low magnesium content are more susceptible to its attacks.

Those who often use mackerel, less experience depression.

Mackerel is very popular in the seafood market. This is due to the fact that it is very tasty in any form: in salted, smoked, cooked on fire or baked in the oven. In addition, it is delicious, it is also useful due to the presence of vitamins and trace elements, so necessary to the human body.

The use of this Atlantic beauty not only diversifies the diet of the whole family, but also to bring benefits to the body and help prevent serious diseases, which can not cope even traditional the medicine.

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