I cut the chicken breast into strips and cook delicious! Chicken appetizer.


Today, on the one hand, I am preparing a completely simple dish, and on the other, a very tasty and interesting dish.

I cut the fillet into small cubes, but not very thin either. The meat will be well marinated, soft and tender. Cut the fillet across the fibers.

Now marinate the strips. Salt, add a teaspoon of sweet paprika.

Add some dry garlic and suneli hops. I mix everything well and leave to marinate at room temperature for 30-40 minutes.

The chicken breast is marinated, I put the pieces on the skewers.

The batter will be very tasty, this batter is used in American corn dogs.

I drive one egg into a bowl and pour in 300 ml of kefir. I add some salt and stir with a whisk.

In total I need 250 grams of flour. Moreover, 125 g of this amount will be wheat flour, and the second 125 g will be corn flour. Combine both types of flour in a bowl.

I add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, mix everything well.

Pour flour into liquid ingredients and knead. It is not necessary to knead for a long time, it is enough only for all the ingredients to come together.

You should get a thick, but still pouring dough.

I pour the dough into a high container and dip the chicken skewered into the dough.

I spread it on a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil.

I fry on low heat until golden brown. I turn it over and cook under the lid until golden brown on the other side.

I spread it on a paper towel first and serve it to the table!

The outside is a little crispy, but the inside is juicy chicken! Try to cook!


  • 3 chicken fillets
  • salt, pepper, garlic
  • paprika, hops-suneli
  • 1 egg
  • 300 ml of kefir
  • 125 gr white flour
  • 125 gr corn flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder

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