How to choose and prepare the different parts BEEF


Beef - considered almost the most valuable meat while most... not clear. How to cook it, not to get a "base"? What a piece of the best fit for meatballs, and a quenching?
We will understand later in this article.

What beef varieties exist, than it is useful, and what properties, how to determine its freshness and how to choose the right piece of beef for various dishes?

How to pick the best piece of beef to the dish turned out no worse than the restaurant?
What will turn out delicious, soft steak and barbecue? And what part of the carcass to cook rich broth?
Today we look at all these questions at gunpoint.

beef varieties

Beef divided into three classes: the highest, the first and second.
The higher the grade of meat, the less it contains veins.

Higher grade comprises the following parts: the loin, the back, hip, rump, sirloin and sternum. First grade: neck, shoulder, arms and groin. Class II: front and rear shank, and gouge.

What is marbled beef?

Beef is considered the most top grade meat.
This is a real delicacy, which is characterized by bright color and the presence of fat inclusions in the structure.

Externally, the meat is similar to the marble stone. Dishes from it is exceptionally juicy and tender.

How to determine the freshness of beef?

General view of any fresh piece of meat to be brilliant, and the cut edge slightly moist, not dried out.
Beef meat is juicy-red and dark red.
Fat is soft, creamy-white color.

The smell is not specific, fresh and pleasant.
When you press the meat with your finger formed a small dent, which should quickly take its original shape if the meat is fresh.

What to cook from different parts of the beef?


Under the definition of sirloin understand the thin edge: sirloin on the bone, without bone, lumbar part.

This part of the lean and very tender.
From this great cook roast beef, steaks, medallions, ase, rolls and chops, goulash.
As well as this meat make excellent kebabs.


This thick edge: loin rib, steaks, ribs.
The flesh of the dorsal part for cutlets and chops. It is also good to bake it into large chunks.
Of the ribs perfectly prepared broths.


It is called the sirloin, rump, the small walnut. This meat is low in fiber, it is juicy and tender.
Suitable for roast and rump steak.


Tenderloin is in zadnepoyasnichnoy parts of the carcass (above the kidneys) and is considered to be very valuable.
This meat is more soft and gentle. It is obtained from a large cut (sirloin), cutting neatly inside.
Usually it costs more than other. You can bake, braise or cook, but the best from it get a small medallions.


In this part of the film and the layers of fat are interleaved.
All the sternum can be separated from the bone and the meat used for the preparation of rolls.
And you can cut slices to boiling and stewing. From sternum make excellent soup.


The neck is perfect for stewing, boiling and roasting. Due to the presence of fat layers of the meat does not lose moisture and it turns out tender and juicy. However, for the preparation of this part it takes a bit more time. It is also good to use minced neck in combination with other types of meat.


It's part of the neck, which is closer to the head. It is suitable for broths and fire.

Shank, Shank

shank meat and shank can be boiled together (on the bone or without it). Of them make excellent jelly.

Flank or shortloin

Flank - a flesh from the sternum, which contains a lot of fat and connective tissue layers.
It is more rigid compared to other parts of the beef. Before cooking it is recommended to remove her film.
Flank of the first well-prepared dishes. Also it can be used as a filling for pies.


Beef blade is considered to be universal. This meat with little fat.
The blade little connective tissue tendons and virtually none. Suitable for cooking cutlets, soups and goulash. You can apply for a major piece of the bone, baked in the oven.
Also, it turns out juicy meatloaf.
Brees of blades easy, transparent and full of collagen, which has a positive effect on nails, hair and joints of people.

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