The basis of many sauces, desserts, salad dressings (I finally learned how to cook it)


If you constantly buy yogurt in a store or supermarket, why not try making it yourself in your kitchen? The recipe is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it, knowing a few secrets of its creation.

Greek yogurt is a classic dairy product - the basis of various sauces, desserts, salad dressings. If you like it with sweet pastries for breakfast or afternoon tea, you just need to mix such a base with jam or jam, syrup or topping, adding berries and pieces of fruit. Classic yogurt can be added to oatmeal, other types of cereals, to make dressings from it, mixing with mustard, lemon juice, etc.

For cooking, you will need farm milk of any fat content and pharmacy sourdough or store-bought yogurt (Activia, Prostokvashino).


  • Milk (any fat content) - 1 l
  • Classic yogurt - 200 ml
 Step 1 of 6
Step 1 of 6

Prepare food.

Step 2 of 6
Step 2 of 6

Pour milk into a saucepan and place on the stove. Bring to a boil without going to the side or the milk froth will overflow!

Turn off the heat and pour the milk into a bowl or other saucepan (you can use a basin) to cool it down faster. The product must cool down to 35 degrees - this is the maximum temperature for fermentation. If it is slightly higher, you will not be able to get yogurt.

You can check the temperature without a thermometer on your hand - drop milk on the back of your hand. If it does not burn the skin, then the temperature is the same as that of your body - around 35 degrees.

Step 3 of 6
Step 3 of 6

As soon as the milk has cooled, pour the classic yogurt into it in portions or add the starter culture if you purchased it at the pharmacy. Mix thoroughly - the fermentation process depends on it. Milk can thicken in lumps if you don't stir it.

Step 4 of 6
Step 4 of 6

Transfer the fermented product to small, clean, dry jars / containers. Close them carefully with the threaded lids and place in a warm place, not in the oven or on the battery! The temperature should be no higher than 40 and not lower than 15 degrees.

Wrap the jars in a towel. Leave it on for 4-5 hours. Then remove the towel and transfer the jars to the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours for the product to thicken.

Step 5 of 6
Step 5 of 6

After the specified time, you will receive thick Greek yogurt, which even children will gladly eat, for example with sugar.

Step 6 of 6
Step 6 of 6

Even a spoon will stand in the finished product - its texture will be so dense!

Author: Alena Prika

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