Light Avocado Shrimp Salad


I want to say right away that I used shrimp in this version of the salad. I know that some people think that shellfish and all sorts of reptiles should also not be eaten during fasting, so if you adherent of this order of things, then just do not put shrimp, everything else is exclusively possible there is. I also used lean mayonnaise.

For a portioned salad (for 4 servings) we need:

  • Avocado - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes (I have small ones) - 4 pcs.
  • Shrimp - 200 gr.
  • Lemon - 1pc.
  • Greens
  • Lean mayonnaise

I have made this salad a hundred times, but it did not always work out, and here the taste of the salad does not depend in any way on your skill - only the right avocado plays a role. Often in stores you can find some semblance of an avocado, something wrinkled, and no color or taste. In the photo, you will see that win-win option that is perfect for a salad, although avocado lovers know the expensive fruits, so choose for yourself.

The next ingredient I'd like to talk about is lemon. This salad cannot be without lemon. Firstly, it is imperative to pour the avocado with lemon juice so that it does not darken, and secondly. I also squeeze the juice into the empty avocado boat before filling it with salad, because this gives a special piquancy.

Everything is done very simply. Cut the avocado lengthwise, remove the bone, carefully cut out the pulp with a knife (you can use a spoon to do, but we will need to cut the pulp of the fruit, therefore, in order not to turn it into porridge, it is better to cut). Chop finely into cubes.

Cut the lemon into two parts and pour over the avocado with lemon juice.

Finely chop the tomato and shrimp.

Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Add lean mayonnaise.

We mix all the ingredients, and lay out the salad in the avocado rind boats.

That's all! Salad ready! Bon Appetit everyone!

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