The truth about... TEA: why can not drink tea every day?


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"And if we drink tea?" This phrase meet and accompany guests, most of us.
Flavored drink is considered to be a curative drug, and its drinking - a special tradition.
If the tea is still green, nobody doubts its medicinal properties: rich in antioxidants, good invigorates, reduces cholesterol, cleanses the body and is the perfect local anti-inflammatory means.

In the East, the most valuable is considered a green and white tea. Then there are the yellow, red and black varieties.
Many do not know that tea contains 4 times more caffeine than coffee.
But from dry tea leaves caffeine is not fully extracted into the drink, its real content is always lower.

The post-Soviet tradition drink tea like a tea ceremony in Wonderland, "in which everyone drinks tea like crazy."
A cup of tea we love after breakfast, lunch and dinner, a couple of cups between work, to quench their thirst.
And always, when bored, you can pass the time of the fragrant drink. I think it very much.

Why not get involved in a cup of tea and some problems may occur with prolonged use of green or black tea.

Bone destruction

Strongly brewed black tea contains a high concentration of fluorine which is used at an excess destroys calcium compound.
Primarily affected tooth enamel, yellow teeth, dental caries occurs.
It increases the risk of developing skeletal fluorosis and Osteoporosis - excessive bone fragility.
So do not abuse the tea leaves during cooking and infuse drink no more than 3-5 minutes.

yellow teeth

Look at his cup, if its walls there is a raid, it is better to abandon the tea, which is brewed in it.
After plaque stain not only snow-white surface of the mug, but also the enamel of your teeth!
Often it concerns cheap tea bag, there may be not only the colors and flavors, but also low-quality tea leaves.

Heavy metals

In 2013, in the Canadian Journal of Toxicology published the results of the study of tea bags from different manufacturers.

All toxicology samples found lead, aluminum, arsenic and cadmium!
The heavy metals fall to the plant of the contaminated soil and their concentration depends on the infusion.
The maximum number of toxic substances released in tea if it brew 15-17 minutes.
Do not insist drink more than 3 minutes.

It is better to give preference to white tea, the leaves do not have time to accumulate harmful substances, because they are collected by young.

Nose bleed

The habit of drinking tea, boiling water can badly affect the blood vessels of the nasopharynx and induce bleeding.
Regular consumption of hot food and drinks destroying the esophageal wall, and in the field of burns often occur cancers.
To get the optimum tea temperature (50-60 °), no need to wait for a long time.
Let it brew for 5-7 minutes, and the drink is ready.


On the question of whether you can drink green tea at night, doctors answer in the affirmative: "No way!"
Caffeine and essential oils quickens the heartbeat and pulse, accelerated blood flow, the adrenal glands secrete more adrenaline, and the central nervous system and the brain come in excitement.
In the evening is better to refrain from all kinds of tea and coffee, limiting herbal drinks.

Neutralizes the effect of drugs

When you are sick and have a fever - do not get involved in strong tea. It contains theophylline, which has a diuretic effect and reduces the effectiveness of fever-reducing medicines.

You can not drink tea, nitrogen-containing drugs ( "papaverine", "Codeine", "Caffeine", "Eufillin", cardiac glycosides, and others).

They form a precipitate when interacting with tea tannin and can be a bad influence on the heart.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Back in 2011, US scientists found that tea blocks the assimilation of iron.
Regular consumption of tea during the meal provokes iron deficiency anemia with unpleasant consequences.

Deteriorating condition of the skin and hair, a person feels lethargy and fatigue.
We do not abuse the tea for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is recommended to wait 20 minutes before or after a meal ..
In order to normalize the levels of iron, is not enough to give up the drink. We need to take special drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible for pregnant women green tea?

During pregnancy it is better to refrain from drinking beverages that contain caffeine.
According to a Japanese study, 5 cups of green tea per day leads to an insufficient weight of the newborn.
In addition, having a diuretic effect of tea increases the load on the mother's kidney.
Green tea reduces suction efficiency of folic acid.
And it is one of the most important elements necessary for the proper development of the child!

It is better to limit the use of tea during pregnancy, optimally - no more than 2 cups a day.
Like many herbal teas, tea leaves can accumulate a pyrrolizidine alkaloid - Toxins of plant origin.

In 86% of the samples of herbal for children, pregnant and lactating were found these substances.

For a healthy person, they are not dangerous.
The threat exists for unborn babies and small babies breastfed, to which toxins are passed from the mother.

Despite the above disadvantages of green tea - healthy and tasty drink.
To keep your body healthy and attractive, not abuse them.

Quench your thirst better than water, but for the courage enough charge 2-3 cups of tea a day.
Prefer-leaf varieties in which is stored the maximum number of medicinal substances.

Show these features tea friends, they will be surprised!

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