The whole truth about honey: Honey is it possible to have every day?


Honey has a number of useful properties, but everything is good in moderation. But what would happen if every day to eat honey? Let's investigate.

The fact that the honey is not only tasty, but also healthy product, even children know. But can you use it on a daily basis? How much? And how does this affect the body? On this and will be discussed further.

And to begin with, whether there can be honey every day?

Doctors say that it is possible and necessary, but it must be remembered about the consumption rate of this product of beekeeping and contraindications.

The honey is useful for a person?

Honey - a natural sleeping pill and sedative, so if you use it every day, you can restore the nervous system.

Honey has an excellent antiviral effect. The use of it in food every day is a good prevention of diseases.

If someone you know is a slog temperature, then you know what to do. Spoon of honey before bedtime - and the likelihood that you will get sick, is reduced significantly.

Honey gives energy to the body. It is known that in the ancient Olympic athletes eating it before the competition.

Honey promotes weight loss due to the fact that breaks down fats. Consequently, its regular consumption can get rid of unwanted kilograms.

The main thing - do not overdo it, to not score more. Still, it should bear in mind that this product is very high in calories.

Honey, as well as any sweet, increases the production of endorphins in the blood - the hormone of joy.
That is why it is added to desserts instead of other less useful fillers.
However, this effect has its pitfalls.
It is due to chemical processes formed the habit, so regular consumption of honey can lead to dependence on sweets.

Honey has a positive effect on the skin. He fills it with moisture, and the entire body with useful substances, the person providing a fresh and healthy appearance.

Contraindications - who can not eat honey?

Completely exclude honey from the diet is necessary to people who are allergic to this and other bee products.

It is not recommended to use honey for people with type 1 diabetes.

Those with diagnosed type 2 diabetes, can pamper themselves with honey, but in strictly limited quantities and only after consultation with your doctor.

In the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders also need to minimize the use of honey.

Children with honey more familiar after three years, because it is very allergenic product.

People with asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system also must be careful to use honey that can provoke an attack of breathlessness.

How much can you eat honey at a time?

Beekeepers and honey fierce admirers say that at night you can eat about 150 grams of honey.

In turn, the official medicine has a different opinion.

Doctors distinguish the following daily consumption of honey regulations:

adult - 50 g (2.5 - 3 tablespoons);
children and adolescents - up to 2 tsp .;
elderly people - 1 - 1.5 tablespoons

If you lose weight while you can indulge in sweet, but because replacing sugar with honey, keep in mind that the use of this product should be in the range of 2 - 4 tsp in a day.
In addition, eating honey in the diet time, try to be excluded from the diet too sweet and high-calorie foods, including fruits.

In addition, the specified rate of honey should be divided into several stages.
But that's not all.

If you want to get from the use of honey maximum benefit, you should stick to uncomplicated recommendations to consider further.

How to eat honey?

  • In the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with 2 tsp honey (it will not only give energy for the whole day, but will start the digestive and metabolic processes in the body).
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach honey in its purest form, especially if in the next half hour do not plan to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. The consequence of ignoring this rule will be the over-production of insulin.
  • Before going to bed drink a glass of warm milk or tea with honey that will remove the daytime stress and prepare the body for sleep.
  • Do not put honey in hot water (remember that the temperature exceeds 45C, it kills all the beneficial properties of this product). Moreover, by heating the honey to 60 ° C it begins to emit toxic substances (in this case, we will not have to go about the benefits and dangers of honey).
  • Rinse mouth after eating honey, because, like any other sweet product, it harms the tooth enamel.

Well, the main points concerning the use of honey, we have discussed, therefore we can move on to talk about what will happen to your body with a daily intake of the product.

What happens to the body during daily use of honey?

Honey is considered to be an excellent antioxidant, excrete toxins from the body, which are often the cause of clogged pores, acne and the appearance of early skin aging.

In addition, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties this product can help eliminate dermal inflammation and redness.

Every day, eating honey, you significantly improve skin condition, will return to her smooth, velvety and healthy appearance.

Honey for the heart

Antioxidants contained in large quantities in honey, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, help to reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol and narrowing of the arteries, which has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

After only 2 months of daily consumption of honey people with heart disease will celebrate feeling better.

Honey for the brain

B vitamins, calcium, ascorbic acid - this is only a small fraction of those elements that, being a part of honey, significantly stimulate its operation.

Thus, to include honey in your daily menu, you are sure to feel a surge of strength and energy, increase efficiency, improve memory and concentration.

Honey from stress

Honey is called a natural antidepressant, since its constant use of a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It is noticed that people who start their morning with honey and consume this product before bed, easier to cope with fatigue, less aggressive and irritable, more resistant to stress.
And all thanks to glucose and fructose, which strengthen and nourish nerve cells.

Honey to sleep

Glucose, soaked in blood, promotes muscle relaxation, improve emotional state, stress relief.

In addition, during the use of honey, our body produces the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for good mood.

In turn, serotonin is converted into melatonin, a hormone that regulates the duration and quality of sleep, which becomes profound and calm.

A glass of warm milk with honey before bed - an effective natural tranquilizer and sedative for those who have difficulty falling asleep! Do not believe me? Check on personal experience!

Honey for the stomach

Due to its antiseptic properties of honey to show people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The fact that honey passes through the digestive tract, not only neutralizes harmful microbes, but also heals small wounds located on the mucous membrane.

Honey also normalizes digestion and promptly restores useful microflora, since it is a natural probiotic, which is composed of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Honey for immunity

That honey has long been used as an effective means for the prevention and treatment of viral and colds.
This is not surprising, given the composition of this product is rich in vitamins, folic acid and flavonoids.

By the way, the flavonoids are actively fighting viruses and speed up the healing process.

Every day, eating honey, you will forget for a long time that is cold, even in the most severe frosts and wet weather!

Take care of your health from an early age, and honey you do this will definitely help!

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