Blackcurrant compote with orange


This aromatic compote with a bright acidity and expressive taste is rich in vitamin C, pleasantly tones up even when chilled, and with ice cubes extinguishes the feeling of thirst to the fullest. This is an option for hot days.

In the cool season, cook from frozen black currant berries, the quality of the drink will not suffer. And serve warm or even hot. And if you additionally throw cinnamon, anise, cloves and other spices, it will come out no worse than non-alcoholic mulled wine or punch.


Water - 1000 ml

Black currant - 100 g

Orange - 1 pc.

Sugar - 50 g

Step by step recipe:

Step 1 - To make the blackcurrant compote with orange, take the foods on the list. Citrus fruits are sold all year round and are not tied to the season. And black currant berries have amazing quality: they do not lose their taste, aroma, and beneficial properties when frozen. Use fresh berries during the harvest period, in other periods, feel free to add frozen ones. The amount of granulated sugar, of course, varies markedly - it depends on your personal preferences, the sweetness and sourness of fruits and berries. Those who exclude sugar from the diet after cooking pour in natural honey.

Step 2 - Bring about a liter of water to an active boil on an overhead fire. It is easy to adjust the concentration, saturation of the future drink: from transparent, delicate with a subtle aroma to sharp, fragrant, with a dark shade. Decide for yourself what the volume will be, and, accordingly, the concentration. In addition to the amount of water, you can reduce or increase the dosage of fruits and berries. So, put a handful of pre-washed black currants into boiling water.

Step 3 - Cut the pure citrus into circles, slices or in another convenient way. Throw with the peel after the berries. Boil again and, reducing the temperature, cook with moderate boiling for 10 minutes.

Step 4 - Add sugar to the rather sour fruit and berry compote. At this stage, you can flavor with spices. We boil the last 5 minutes, try.

Step 5 - Remove the hot and delicious smelling drink from the fire. Install the lid, cool and insist at the same time. To get rid of fragments of pulp, boiled currants and orange pieces, filter through a fine sieve before serving.

Step 6 - Serve a fragrant sweet and sour blackcurrant compote with an orange, both warm and cool.

Bon Appetit!

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