Flatulence: how to beat the bulge?


These effective recipes will help you to deal with a sense of fullness in the stomach. Even better, tablets and powders.

Flatulence - what is the reason?

Frequent causes of flatulence are gastric and intestinal diseases, pancreatic diseases, malnutrition, ingestion of air with the food, and so on. D.
In folk medicine successfully used a variety of medicinal herbs and fees in order to reduce gas formation in the intestine.
Before applying them to consult a doctor in order to identify the causes of flatulence.

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Flatulence extremely unpleasant condition in which it is difficult to sit, lie down, move and even eat and breathe...
But, fortunately, traditional medicine has collected a variety of recipes that really help to overcome the swelling just a cup of herbal beverage.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs with flatulence

Just a few simple recipes to help you breathe easier and feel happier.

pharmaceutical camomile

On the cup boiling water a tablespoon of dried flowers, insist in a thermos half an hour, filter.

Take half a cup after eating 3 - 4 times a day.

Angelica root decoction drug

hot water glass is poured dry three tablespoons minced, incubated for five minutes on low heat, cool and filter.
Taken before meals three times a day on a tablespoon.

The root of the dandelion

In an enamel bowl half a liter of boiling water pour a tablespoon of crushed dried root is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, half an hour insist, filter.
Taken before meals three times a day on a tablespoon.


Pour 2 tbsp chopped parsley fresh cup of cold water for thirty minutes, then heated, but not boiling.
When the infusion has cooled, strain and drink it throughout the day by the throat.


It is used raw or added to cooked food.
Or make ginger tea: 1 teaspoon dried minced ginger boiled water and infuse for half an hour.

Drink this tea in the morning, a few minutes before a meal.
With tea, you can add a little mint or cinnamon.

dill seed

Tablespoon of dried fennel seeds boiled water, kept in a thermos for 1-2 hours, filter.
Drink half a glass before a meal.


Take a tablespoon of chopped dry grass, pour them a glass of boiled water for half an hour, filter.
Drink a quarter cup before eating.

Lemon balm and chamomile

Grass Melissa officinalis - Part 1 and chamomile flowers - 1 part.
Brew 1 tablespoon of dried crushed herbs glass of water, heated on a steam bath for fifteen minutes, insist for one hour, filtered.
Take a glass of infusion three times a day.

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