Kissel from jam and starch


In many families, jelly is revered and belongs to drinks. They are cooked quickly, available all year round: from fresh or frozen berries and fruits, based on juices and even jam.

If you make jelly from jam, you don't need to add sweets at all. A rich and very sweet preparation (jam) is good not only as a bite with tea or filling in pies, but also as a concentrate for drinks.


Starch - 2 tbsp. l.

Water - 1 l

Black currant jam - 100 g

Step by step recipe:

 Step 1 of 6
Step 1 of 6

To cook jelly from jam and starch at home, take the products on the list. Any jam is suitable - purchased or homemade, from winter stocks. Change raspberry to strawberry, blueberry to currant and each time get a new jelly taste.

It should be noted that in this way it is easy to dispose of unclaimed jam, candied (but not with mold, of course). The more of this sweet ingredient in the specified volume of water, the sweeter, darker / brighter, richer in aroma the jelly comes out. So it is with starch. You can make a viscous, thick and even dense jelly-like or, conversely, pouring, thin and light drink.

Step 2 of 6
Step 2 of 6

Pour into a glass about a quarter of the total volume of water (200-250 ml), add starch and stir well until a homogeneous, cloudy composition. Starch is suitable for both corn and potato starch. We keep the starch solution on hand and in parallel boil the remaining water over an overhead fire.

Step 3 of 6
Step 3 of 6

Dip a portion of currant or other jam into boiling water. Stir to dissolve the syrup faster.

Step 4 of 6
Step 4 of 6

Let the liquid boil again and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let's try. If there is a lack of sweetness, add granulated sugar or honey.

Then we filter once or twice through a fine sieve, remove the berry cake. We rinse the cooking container. We return the strained compote from the jam to the ladle and put it on the fire again.

Step 5 of 6
Step 5 of 6

Stir continuously in a circle and at the same time pour in the starch solution in a thin stream (before that, shake the starch that has settled to the bottom once more). We boil and brew until smooth, uniform thickening. Act confidently and quickly, then there will be no lumps.

Step 6 of 6
Step 6 of 6

Delicious jelly made from jam and starch, serve warm or cooled, for an afternoon snack and for snacks.

Bon Appetit!

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