Gooseberry compote with mint


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Juicy and fragrant gooseberry and mint compote will taste like the legendary non-alcoholic Mojito, especially if you serve it on ice in the summer. In winter, the drink can be cooked from frozen berries, having prepared them in advance in summer. Both green and red gooseberries are ideal, and mint can be replaced with lemon balm - it has a softer and more delicate aroma. If desired, it is permissible to add a quarter of a lemon or lemon juice to the list of ingredients.

Compote with honey is very tasty, but such an ingredient interferes with the drink only after it has cooled to 35 degrees instead of granulated sugar. If desired, you can strain it before serving by removing the berry pulp and leaves. If you don't plan on serving the drink right away and boil it ahead of time, remove the mint leaves so they don't start to taste bitter.

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Gooseberry - 300 g

Sugar - 100 g

Water - 1 l

Mint - 4 sprigs

How to cook:

 Step 1 of 7
Step 1 of 7

Prepare food.

Step 2 of 7
Step 2 of 7

Rinse the berries in water, cut the tails from them with scissors, pour into the saucepan in which you are going to cook the compote. Be sure to taste the gooseberries, determining their sweetness, to find out the approximate ratio of granulated sugar to them. If the berries are sour, add a little more than the specified rate, and vice versa. The sweetness of the gooseberry can vary depending on the weather conditions each year.

Step 3 of 7
Step 3 of 7

Add granulated sugar. Using honey, add it after boiling the berries to the drink, cooling it to 30-35 degrees.

Step 4 of 7
Step 4 of 7

Rinse the mint sprigs in water, disassemble them with your hands on the leaves and add to the saucepan.

Step 5 of 7
Step 5 of 7

Pour in warm water and place the container on the stove, turning on maximum heat. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook the drink for about 8-12 minutes, until the berries give the liquid their taste, aroma and color.

Step 6 of 7
Step 6 of 7

When they float to the surface, the compote is completely ready. Place the lid on the container, turn off the heat and let the drink steamed for about 2-5 minutes.

Step 7 of 7
Step 7 of 7

Then pour the compote into a jug and cups hot or chilled.

Serve over ice in summer. Do not forget about the fragrant lush sweet pastries - it will be relevant when served with compote for dessert! By the way, you can take a chilled drink without pulp with you on a picnic, on the road or on a trip.

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