Why is it dangerous to eat watermelon?


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 (Photo: Pixabay.com)
(Photo: Pixabay.com)

When August hits, the watermelon season begins. Many begin to consume this berry in incredible quantities, but is it really safe for the body, is watermelon suitable for fasting days and diets?

According to Anna Ivashkevich, a member of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition, excessive consumption of watermelon can negatively affect our health. We have compiled the most important facts to help you not harm your body.

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The benefits and harms of watermelon

Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. It contains many useful substances: potassium, sodium, pectin, vitamins, including folic acid (increases immunity, improves the functioning of the circulatory system), niacin (minimizes the risks of cardiovascular diseases).

100 g of the product contains only 35 Kcal, which makes watermelon an excellent option for those who are on a diet.

Among the important advantages of this product are noted:

  • the presence of a diuretic effect;
  • normalization of the stomach;
  • anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of vitamins and acids in the composition.
Don't lean too heavily on watermelons. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Don't lean too heavily on watermelons. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

But still, watermelon, like any product, has its drawbacks that you need to remember. If consumed in large quantities, it can lead to:

  • the appearance of edema;
  • sleep problems, so do not consume the product at night.

It should not be included in the diet in the presence of diabetes mellitus, people who suffer from liver and kidney disease.

Helpful hint: watermelons purchased in the markets may contain nitrates. Therefore, do not eat the flesh down to the white part near the rind.

Watermelon snack

Due to its composition and mass of useful properties, watermelon is suitable for a snack. The main thing is not to consume too much of the product - it is best not more than 350 g at a time to achieve maximum benefit.

Otherwise, nausea, bloating, severe heaviness may appear. And if the watermelon is not very high quality, it can turn into a strong shipment.

Overeating can make your stomach feel heavy (Photo: fitness4-u.com)
Overeating can make your stomach feel heavy (Photo: fitness4-u.com)

To avoid health problems, before buying watermelons, ask for special permits that will confirm the quality of the product.

Some people try to combine watermelons with more nutritious foods. But this is not the best option - such a snack can cause severity.

Fasting days

You can often see tips to arrange fasting days with this berry. But this is possible only if there are no problems with the liver, pancreas, the person does not suffer from diabetes, so as not to worsen the condition.

But more often such diets are not beneficial due to the low calorie content in the composition. You can compare watermelon with ordinary water, only the taste is different and there is a lot of sugar in the composition.

Losing extra pounds and adipose tissue in this way will not work - the body will only leave excess fluid. In addition, the consumption of watermelons in large quantities, as we said, can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

If you want to lose extra pounds, it is better to replace it with a higher-calorie product, such as porridge. Thanks to cereals, you will be full and the feeling of hunger will cease to torment.

But in order to achieve results, it is necessary to reduce the total calorie content of food, not forgetting about a balanced diet. And you need to eat like that for a long period.

If you constantly consume high-calorie foods, and do not "dump" them, then no matter what food is included in your diet - the weight will remain in place.

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