Named 6 foods that boost metabolism after age 50


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Metabolism begins to slow down over time. And this is not surprising - this is how our body works, and this process is laid down by nature. But many do not think that as a result of this, if we do not change our diet, we will begin to gain excess weight.

There are two ways out - or reduce the amount of food consumed by almost three times in order to keep your weight normal.

Or include in your diet some foods that will help speed up your metabolism. And in this case, you will not have to give up your favorite dishes.

We have compiled for you a list of products that contain products necessary for normal metabolism.


Their main advantage is amino acids. Without them, your metabolism will only slow down. Many may be surprised, because amino acids are found in other foods, but in this case eggs are the standard. It is in percentage to it that proteins in meat, fish and even in industrial protein, which can be bought at a sports nutrition store, are measured.

But you can only eat two eggs a day (Photo:
But you can only eat two eggs a day (Photo:

Moreover, I would like to note that even the most expensive additives do not reach the quality of egg white.

White meat

It is important to include it in the diet without fail. Chicken and turkey are especially suitable: they have practically no fat, carbohydrates, but a lot of protein, and very high quality. All athletes "sit" on white meat - it affects the speed of their muscles. And the more there are, the faster the extra pounds go away. In addition, this product is rich in iron - this mineral also helps speed up metabolic processes.

Many, on the contrary, at this age lean on red meat. But I want to remind you that it is harmful, it contributes to the development of cancer. And the fat contained in such meat interferes with normal blood flow.

Red and greasy are harmful. Red meat contributes to the onset of cancer, and fat clogs blood vessels and causes circulatory disorders.

Drinking water

Drinking water must be mandatory regardless of age. But it is especially important to drink it after 50 years, otherwise you can not talk about metabolism - metabolism just stop.

A person needs water at any age (Photo:
A person needs water at any age (Photo:

But here it is important to understand that you should not pour in liters of water into yourself - drink when there is a feeling of thirst. And excess moisture in the body can have a bad effect on the kidneys, which will take the whole "blow".

Green tea

It contains catechin, which simply "burns" fat. In addition, it contains antioxidants - they protect the brain and blood vessels. But do not lean heavily on this drink - no more than three cups a day. And all because of the caffeine included in the composition, which can disrupt sleep, increase blood pressure.


And this is not only kefir, natural yoghurts, fermented baked milk, but also ordinary milk. True, in recent years, many have been experiencing lactose intolerance, so the use of milk directly may be limited.

If there is no intolerance to milk protein, you can safely drink milk (Photo:
If there is no intolerance to milk protein, you can safely drink milk (Photo:

The benefits of such products in calcium, which not only strengthens bones and teeth, but also speeds up metabolism. Also, thanks to this mineral, fat is processed faster and is not deposited on the sides.


What connection can there be between porridge and metabolism, because porridge is very high in calories? But if you only eat them for breakfast, your metabolism will really speed up. If your breakfast is hearty, it will lead to the acceleration of metabolism, and the body will work hard throughout the day.

But if you skip breakfast, the body will be half asleep: activity will drop to 30%.

For breakfast, you should choose whole grain cereals, as well as oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat porridge, which will both saturate and speed up metabolism, and provide a feeling of satiety.

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