Food and recipes from heart pain, time-tested


These simple truths can help you avoid angina attacks, tachycardia, stroke and heart attack. So the heart does not hurt them to follow and be healthy!

Doing cardio... or how to overcome heartache

● Drink daily glass of red grape juice, in order to protect themselves from heart attack and to prevent blockage of the coronary arteries thrombi.

● What is to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, a daily drink 1-2 cups of dairy products or skim milk.

● Do you want to support the work of the heart and blood vessels in good condition - eat three times a day Products with a high content of vitamin E: cheese, vegetables, beans, cottage cheese, vegetable oil (best corn).

● The risk of death from myocardial infarction (necrosis, necrosis of the heart muscle) decreased by more than 40%, if a week to eat 4 pieces of fish.

● Save the heart from the harmful effects of cholesterol -Eat at it every day for five walnuts, which are also lengthen your life.

● Constant movement prolong your life - go in the morning and in the evening to 6 flights of stairs multistory home, thereby improving the pumping of venous blood and organize the work of the myocardium, ie, strengthen heart muscle.

● Raspberry - absolutely safe and adequate substitute to aspirin, which doctors prescribe to prevent blood clots, as well as the threat of stroke and heart attack.

If you have every day at 7 am. l. raspberry jam, then six months later the coronary arteries of the heart be strengthened by more than 2, 5 times. Moreover, in raspberries lot of magnesium, which protects against stress and potassium necessary for normal functioning of the heart.

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● Try to avoid severe stress to prevent angina, humming a favorite tune or song.

During singing time increases blood circulation in the small (pulmonary) round, providing enhanced gas exchange and delivery of fresh oxygen, not only to the heart muscle, but also to all the tissues and organs.

● aging process is suspended from the depths of the soul read prayer to the Lord our God Jesus Christ, the Virgin, the saints.

Rhythmically it delivered prayers synchronizes biorhythms of breath and heart, rejuvenates and revitalizes the body.

● Do you want to protect themselves from the infarction - Lose weight. To do this on a daily basis at a fast pace to pass 2.5-3 km.
After a couple of months you'll be happy with the result.

Tips for prevention of heart attack, stroke, and improve vascular condition

● Eat one or two apples daily.

● Eat chocolate - it stimulates blood circulation.

● In order to reliably protect the cardiovascular system from the adverse environmental factors, eat 2-3 oranges a day.

The same applies to the mandarins, but even better to eat grapefruit - they lower cholesterol, blood pressure, tones and protects the heart from a heart attack.

● Do not wear the watch on his left hand: compressed strap or bracelet left wrist and thereby intensifies spasm of the coronary arteries. This mostly applies to men. Move the clock on the right hand and will render all possible assistance to your body, heart.

● Grind to powder 1-2 pinches of green tea and sprinkle regularly at meals, so you will ensure the good condition of blood vessels, including the coronary.

● weakened heart can help you if you occasionally chew lemon rind.

● rasstantes quickly to smoking: each puff leads to a narrowing of the coronary vessels of the heart, after which pain in the heart area due to oxygen starvation, provokes the formation of blood clots, including and vessels heart.

● On your table should always be juice, fruit, apricots, cranberries, fresh hawthorn.

● Daily drink at least 5 glasses of clean water.

● Eat cabbage in all kinds of (fresh, pickled, boiled, etc.).

● When tachycardia (heart palpitations) you will Adonis. 4 grams of medicinal herbs pour 250 ml. of boiling water and simmer for three minutes. Steep, wrapped jar, for 20 minutes.

After straining drink a tablespoon three times a day.
After a couple of days you will feel significant relief.

What should I do if the heart has become a bad thing?

● If you came a sudden attack of palpitations (tachycardia), drink a glass of water, after dissolving half a teaspoon of baking soda.

● Prolonged angina (severe pain in the heart), you can cut short, if you rub in the region of the heart 1-2 minutes 10-12 drops of pine oil (you can buy without a prescription at any pharmacy). Recipe been tried more than once - the pain subsides.

● If an attack of tachycardia (heart) began on the street you, stop, find a place where you can sit down, take a deep breath and as you can hold your breath.

Then exhale slowly. Repeat this technique several times, after which the normal rhythm of the heart is restored.

● Good help with tachycardia this recipe: close your eyes and press sharply index fingers on the eyelids.

● weakened heart can help you if you occasionally chew lemon rind, which is rich in essential oils, and eat on an empty stomach one large clove of garlic, which was previously necessary to cut finely and put on a black crust of bread.

● When you feel pain in the heart, drink a day for three or four drug glass of red viburnum. Crush cup in two tablespoons berries and pour cup of boiling water, wrap and let stand for 4 hours.

Drink infusion of half an hour before meals three to four weeks in a row.

Pain in the heart: atrial fibrillation

● Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation occurs against a background of excessive excitement, nervous stress.
In such cases, and to avoid them in the future need to use a mixture of therapeutic ready-pharmacy medicines:
tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and korvalola.
Content 4 infusions pour into a bottle of dark color, stir well and drink 30 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals.

tincture of lily of the valley as well normalize heart rhythm. Fill ¾ of a half-liter cans freshly harvested leaves and flowers, lily of the valley and fill the brim with vodka, seal the lid tightly and allow to stand for 14 days.
Then strain the infusion, and the raw materials squeeze.
Take two to three times a day for ten to fifteen drops of tincture, together with a small amount of water.

Attention: This means a very strong, so you need to follow exactly the correct quantity, since small.

● it is imperative to ensure the normal heart rhythm
maintaining the normal level of potassium in the body.
It is recommended to take potassium-containing mixture mentioned below.
Take 0.5 kg of lemons with peel and grate by removing bone.
Add a glass of milled apricot pits nucleoli, and a pound of honey.
Thoroughly mix stir and leave to infuse for 7 days in the refrigerator.

Take twice a day on a tablespoon the morning before meals and at night before dinner.

● When the heart rhythm is disturbed, the patient becomes frightened: it seems that it is about to stop, not to mention the shortness of breath on exertion.

Can help the following recipe:
- Take two teaspoons of dried marigold flowers (or as they are called - marigold) and fill two cups of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain and take half a cup four times a day.

● Prepare a cup of honey in May, two middle of lemon and two heads of garlic.
Lemon and garlic grate and mixed with honey 1.5 liter jar, pour the mixture was boiled ostuzhennoy water and put in the refrigerator for five days.
Take a spoonful of medicine 20 minutes before meals three times a day.
How to finish a jar, make a seven-day break, then continue on the same treatment.

● Dream will become strong and normalize the heartbeat, if you during the day and at bedtime will drink the infusion of lemon balm.
Sustained result after one month of receiving infusion.
Prepared in this way: Pour tablespoon chopped material 300 ml. of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes.

Drink 3-4 times a day after meals and before bedtime.
That there was tachycardia (heart rate), boil for 3-6 minutes, any number of apple peel, give a little brew and drink. A 3-5 minutes take the infusion of lemon balm.

● When an arrhythmia of the heart to eat daily three nucleolus pitted prunes.

● To improve heart drink on an empty stomach such a therapeutic mixture: two egg whites, whipped with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of sour cream.

Before applying the recipes require specialist advice.

Protect yourself and your family, take care of the health of the heart and not get sick!


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