10 herbal foods to help get rid of parasites in your body


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(Photo: healthnwell.com)
(Photo: healthnwell.com)

Parasites are a problem that affects one in three people on earth. But there are foods, the inclusion of which in the diet will get rid of worms or protect against their appearance.

Causes and symptoms of infection

Anyone can become infected with helminths. This occurs most often when eating foods that have been poorly refined or processed. Also, parasites can enter the body through insect bites, when swimming in the wrong place, for example, when swallowing water.

General symptoms:

  • Allergy. Helminths release toxic substances that enter the bloodstream, which causes allergies.
  • Problem skin. The appearance of worms often leads to acne, boils, acne.
  • Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Most parasites colonize the intestines, which leads to irritation and inflammation. In addition, when they appear, they often suffer from constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Worms disrupt intestinal function, resulting in dysbiosis. But at the same time, he cannot be treated even with antibiotics.
  • Decreased immunity. Helminths eat the same food as their carrier, as a result, the body lacks nutrients, the defenses are reduced
  • Change in body weight. And parasites do not always lead to weight loss, quite often the opposite happens.
  • Insomnia and nervousness. Thus, the nervous system of the body reacts to parasites. In addition, some parasites crawl out at night, which causes discomfort and disrupts sleep.

TOP 10 plant products for parasites

Pumpkin seeds

Their main advantage in the fight against helminths is cucurbitin, which is part of the composition. This substance prevents parasites from fixing on the walls of the stomach and intestines, and removes them.

This product should be used with care in childhood (Photo: magic-ezoteric.pro)
This product should be used with care in childhood (Photo: magic-ezoteric.pro)

You can eat the seeds fresh or use to prepare a healthy broth.


Garlic has been used in folk medicine for many years. With its help, you can fight not only colds, but also parasites. And all at the expense of the part of allicin.

There are several ways to use it:

  • take fresh;
  • cook garlic decoctions.
  • do inhalation.
The easiest option is to consume diluted garlic juice 3 times a day.

Pomegranate bark

Pomegranate is a fruit known for its cleansing properties. And its crust will help to cope with toxins and toxins.

However, you need to be careful with pomegranate - an overdose in treatment can cause an increase in pressure.

Both the seeds and the peel are useful in pomegranate (Photo: simplyrecipes.com)
Both the seeds and the peel are useful in pomegranate (Photo: simplyrecipes.com)

The most effective is a decoction of 50 g of crushed rind in 2 glasses of water. After 4-5 hours, you will need to boil it, strain it, take 1 tsp. once a day for a week.


Ginger is a well-known remedy for enhancing immunity; it is used for colds, to improve digestion, and accelerate metabolism.

But it has another useful property - ginger will help in the fight against parasites. According to scientists, after 4-5 hours after consumption, about 90% of the larvae die, after a day, adult parasites die.

Ginger can be consumed fresh, added to tea, prepared decoctions on its basis.


People who often eat onions suffer less from parasites. And all due to the presence of allicin. To overcome worms or avoid their appearance, you should eat fresh onions, as well as take a tincture based on it: finely chop the onion head, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a day and strain.

Taking a decoction of onions can improve immunity and get rid of parasites (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Taking a decoction of onions can improve immunity and get rid of parasites (Photo: Pixabay.com)

Apply 150 ml for 5 days.


Another product that contains allicin. It can be eaten fresh, added to salads. The most effective remedy is a mixture of horseradish and garlic in equal proportions.

However, it should not be included in the diet for gastrointestinal ailments.

Red pepper

Also used in the fight against parasites. This spice is often used in Asian cuisine to kill parasite larvae found in fresh foods.

It is enough to add a little red pepper to the dishes: the product copes well not only with parasites, but also fungi, stopping their reproduction.

 You need to be careful with pepper for stomach diseases (Photo: Pixabay.com)
You need to be careful with pepper for stomach diseases (Photo: Pixabay.com)

True, you should not be treated with it if you have stomach problems.


This exotic product is a powerful remedy for worms. To make an effective blend, you need two ingredients: milk and coconut flakes (you can buy them at any store).

Just mix the ingredients, send them to the refrigerator for a couple of days, take 1 tsp. three times a day for a week.

Despite its effectiveness, this is a fairly mild remedy that is also suitable for children.


There are many tannins in the composition of cloves, which will help in the destruction of helminths. In addition, cloves can also introduce waste products that clog the body.

Cloves are also used for prevention purposes. It is enough to grind the spice into powder, take a little before meals three times a day for a month in a row with water.

For prevention purposes, cloves should be added to any dishes (Photo: Pixabay.com)
For prevention purposes, cloves should be added to any dishes (Photo: Pixabay.com)


A well-known remedy against worms, this berry also increases the body's defenses. In the fight against parasites, it is enough to drink berry juice (pure, without added sugar) up to three times a day for a week.

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