7 reasons why you should eat 7 nuts a day


(Photo: Pixabay.com)
(Photo: Pixabay.com)

Scientists do not in vain classify walnuts as so-called "super-foods" that bring tremendous benefits to the body. True, there were some drawbacks. For example, this product is very high in calories, so you can't eat more than a handful of nuts a day, or you can pay with your waistline. Nevertheless, a handful of nuts have such benefits that it is simply difficult to imagine: a huge amount of vitamins C, A, E, and B, iron, calcium, other trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fighting extra pounds

Is it possible to eat high-calorie foods and not only not get fat, but also lose weight? But thanks to the nuts, you can make sure that this is possible. The first advantage of nuts is that they are very satisfying. Another advantage is that eating nuts raises glucose levels very slowly, and also decreases them slowly.

This allows for a long time to remove the feeling of hunger, the desire to urgently eat. Due to this, you can control your eating behavior, which will significantly reduce the indicators on the scales.

Improving skin condition

The main advantage of nuts is the presence of a large amount of vitamins A and E. But this combination has many benefits for our health:

  • improving the condition of nails and hair;
  • getting rid of dryness.

Also, nuts should definitely be included in the diet in autumn and spring - these products will help increase immunity.

Lowering "bad" cholesterol

Walnuts are an excellent product for the prevention of atherosclerosis. And all thanks to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances fight plaque cholesterol. It has long been known that "good" cholesterol is much more successful in fighting "bad" cholesterol than drugs.

Walnut is one of the most famous cholesterol foods (Photo: alev.biz)
Walnut is one of the most famous cholesterol foods (Photo: alev.biz)

Normalization of digestive processes

Doctors recommend this product to people who suffer from irregular bowel movements, constipation. And all thanks to the high content of fat and fiber in the composition, which not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also activate the digestive tract.

Good mood

Scientists from the University of California conducted an experiment. As a result, it was found that consistent use of this product improves mood.

It is enough to include 20-25 g of walnuts in the diet - this reduces the risk of developing depression by almost 25%.

Improving brain function

What does a walnut look like the most? That's right, on the brain and this is not accidental. In ancient times, only wealthy people could afford this product, but they were completely inaccessible to commoners. Then it was believed that people, eating a nut, become smarter.

And modern science has proven this statement: the nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid. It is this substance that helps the brain work, improving the speed of reaction, thinking, and cognitive abilities.

Perhaps that's why the walnut resembles a brain. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Perhaps that's why the walnut resembles a brain. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

This is especially important in adulthood, because with the help of a handful of nuts, you can maintain clarity of mind and memory.

Increased potency

Studies have proven that nuts improve sperm quality and potency. In addition, this product is recommended to be included in the diet to reduce the risk of developing prostate and adenoma.

Advice on selection and use from specialists of Roskachestvo

To get the most out of your nuts, you need to learn how to choose the right ones. There are some helpful tips:

  • Better to stock up on them in the fall. After all, it is at this time that the harvest of nuts is harvested (around the beginning of October). During this period, the product is of the highest quality, not stale on store shelves.
  • You shouldn't buy shelled nuts, because it is not known where they lay and how they were transported, who touched them. As a result, such use can result in poisoning.
You shouldn't buy an already purified product if you don't want to get poisoned (Photo: zenge.kz)
You shouldn't buy an already purified product if you don't want to get poisoned (Photo: zenge.kz)

You should eat no more than 5-7 nuts per day. On the one hand, this amount is enough to get all the benefits of nuts. On the other hand, you definitely won't get fat from that amount. But if you regularly eat a lot of nuts, you should not be surprised at the new kilograms - this product is quite high in calories.

The main danger of a walnut is its allergenicity. Therefore, before you include a product in your diet, be sure to make sure it is safe for own health: if after use there is no redness, other negative manifestations, you can safely consume it.

It is advisable to store walnuts in the cold: improper storage will lead to the loss of most of the nutrients, because in this case the fats and vitamins contained in the composition begin to break down.

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