How not to get screwed up: foods that can cause gas formation (it turns out it's not just peas)


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It is believed that only peas are the cause of flatulence. But this is not at all the case, because there are other products that can put us in an unpleasant situation. And for this, it is better to know in advance what exactly can lead to gas formation.

Raw vegetables

The most "effective" are the following:

  • White cabbage. This is due to its composition, where the leading positions are occupied by acids, sulfur and fiber. It is they who make the vegetable useful: they improve intestinal function, help to remove toxins faster. But also sulfur with fiber often irritate the intestinal walls, which in turn can lead to gas formation.
  • Potatoes. Root vegetables also contain fiber. The second substance is starch. Their combination can lead to an “astringent” effect. On the one hand, it helps the body as it improves the digestive tract. On the other hand, such substances can lead to flatulence. Therefore, potatoes should not be consumed in large quantities.
  • Radish and radish. Yes, they are useful because they contain many useful substances and vitamins. But the presence of sulfur and dietary fiber can play a cruel joke on you, so you need to eat root vegetables in limited quantities. This not only does not cause flatulence, but also has a positive effect on health, especially on the condition of the heart, on immunity.
Radishes are very healthy and should be included in your diet. (Photo:
Radishes are very healthy and should be included in your diet. (Photo:

It is recommended to use the vegetables listed above in boiled form, since in this case they have a more gentle effect on the digestive tract. If your gut reacts to them with strong gas, choose zucchini or broccoli instead.

Taking sorbent drugs will also help to avoid flatulence.

Fruits and berries

Few people know, but this group of products also leads to unpleasant symptoms.

The most common causes of flatulence are pears, peaches, and gooseberries from berries.

And all because of the acids and sucrose that make up the composition, which can irritate the intestinal walls and the gastrointestinal tract in in general, causing the syndrome of "fermentative dyspepsia", manifested by the appearance of heaviness, rumbling, and flatulence.

But you can't give up fruits, because they are useful for our immunity.

Yeast baked goods and bread

Black bread and any yeast-based baked goods can cause flatulence. These foods are high in carbohydrates and contain gluten and yeast.

The combination of yeast, carbohydrates and gluten causes not only gas formation, but also putrefactive processes in the body. In addition, eating yeast in your diet leads to acidification in your intestines, which can cause bloating.

Regular consumption of yeast bread leads to inhibition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (Photo:
Regular consumption of yeast bread leads to inhibition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (Photo:

That is why doctors do not recommend using such foods too often. If you cannot imagine your diet without bread, replace it with yeast-free.

Milk products

Milk contains a lot of lactose, which many do not digest (especially after the age of 40), which leads to bloating. You should not completely abandon a useful product, because it contains calcium, proteins, amino acids and other useful substances for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, immunity, and the central nervous system.

And to avoid flatulence after consuming such products, you just need to reduce the portion.

Alcohol and soda

Carbonated sugary drinks inevitably lead to flatulence, and the sugar contained in them can significantly aggravate the situation. In addition, beer has the same effect, because it contains a large amount of yeast.

Beer can lead to flatulence and heaviness, so you shouldn't drink it regularly. (Photo:
Beer can lead to flatulence and heaviness, so you shouldn't drink it regularly. (Photo:

What can lead to flatulence other than food?

There are a number of other factors that can cause such an unpleasant symptom.

So, if you eat quickly or speak at this time, you swallow air, which causes bloating and flatulence. Regular overeating is another reason, because in this case, our body simply will not have time to digest everything, which means that fermentation processes will begin in the digestive tract, the main symptom of which is flatulence.

Also, in no case should you share foods that cause flatulence, in this case, gas formation will only increase.

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