Glazed curd snacks: are there any curds at all?


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Many people think that curd cheese is convenient, tasty, it allows you to quickly "freeze the worm", which is impossible to have a good lunch. And some parents definitely give them to their children as a dessert. However, Roskontrol experts say that over the past few years, glazed curd snacks have deteriorated badly. And it is definitely not worth using them in large quantities - this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The composition of curd snacks: what do we eat?

For the first time, curd snacks appeared in the USSR back in the 30s of the last century. And at that time, in fact, this product contained only the most useful components: natural cottage cheese, cream, vanillin, chocolate.

But today, if you read the composition, then besides the cottage cheese, which is there (although the percentage of its content is now also much lower), the cheese curds include many other, not the most useful ingredients:

  • flavors, preservatives (the latter are needed to extend the shelf life);
  • dyes;
  • Palm oil.
And also sugar - a lot of sugar, the use of which should definitely be limited, especially for children.

And the energy value of 100 g of such a product is almost 450 Kcal. For comparison, natural cottage cheese contains only 120 Kcal. Therefore, those who want to get rid of excess weight should definitely not include glazed curd cheese in their diet.

What is the threat of regular use of such curd cheeses?

Yes, if the curd bars contain only cottage cheese and other natural products, you should not be afraid of their use. But more often than not the most useful products are sold on store shelves, which have many disadvantages and contraindications:

  • Since the dessert is high in sugar and fat, it should not be consumed by those diagnosed with diabetes.
  • The curd product contains a large amount of preservatives. Yes, they help to extend the shelf life, but they can seriously harm the body. And some dishonest manufacturers use synthetic instead of natural chocolate, condensed milk, fruits or other fillings.
  • Any cheese contains stabilizers. Most of them are harmless to humans, and the main task is to give the components the desired shape. But no one knows what exactly are added by dishonest manufacturers who set themselves the main goal - to make money.
It is quite difficult to find natural cottage cheese in curds (Photo:
It is quite difficult to find natural cottage cheese in curds (Photo:
  • Often, flavor enhancers and food additives can be found in the composition. In the presence of "eshek" it is better to refuse such cheese and even more so not to give it to children.
  • Some manufacturers, wanting to reduce costs, are replacing butter with cheap vegetable counterparts. Naturally, the quality of fats in such curds drops very much. Their constant use can lead not only to rapid weight gain, but also heart problems.

In addition, there are two more important points. So, even if you find a cheese, which mainly contains only natural products, be sure to study the expiration date. The fact is that cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, E. coli, which are dangerous to humans, quickly start up in it. And if you buy a stale product, you are guaranteed poisoning.

How to buy cheese curds correctly and what to look for?

Considering that the purchased cheese can cause serious harm to health, it is very important to carefully approach the purchase of such a product.

The first thing you need to do is read the ingredients carefully. If it is not precisely indicated that the composition contains natural cottage cheese, you should refuse to purchase - any "curd mass" or "curd product" indicates the presence of many additives. In addition, if the cheese is tasteful, it gives 100% confidence - it has a lot of flavorings.

You need to choose cheese curds carefully, trying to buy only a natural product (Photo:
You need to choose cheese curds carefully, trying to buy only a natural product (Photo:

You should also not buy chocolate glazed cheeses if there is no natural cocoa in the composition.

And it is best to buy cheese curds, which indicate that they are made in accordance with GOST R52790-2007, however, it is quite difficult to find them on sale.

Roskachestvo: what products you should definitely not buy

The black list of Roskachestvo was replenished with 5 brands of cheese:

  • "Vkusnoteevo". Reasons: an increased content of yeast and sucrose in the composition, inaccurate information on the package (the manufacturer indicated more protein than was in the composition).
  • "Tape". After the examination, benzoic acid and E. coli were found in the composition. In addition, when preparing the glaze, not 100% cocoa was used, but cocoa butter, and the products were also distinguished by a low content of useful microflora.
  • "Tvorobushki". This brand got into an emergency due to the presence of sorbic acid, intestinal bacteria, cocoa butter in the composition. In addition, the starch was not indicated on the package, and the amount of sucrose was not true.
  • "Red price". Escherichia coli, vegetable fats, benzoic acid were also found in this cheese, and the last two substances were not indicated on the package. The acidity of the product turned out to be lower than that prescribed in the State Standards.
  • "Polar bear". The manufacturer did not indicate starch and sorbic acid on the packaging, the presence of E. coli was revealed. In addition, there were less carbohydrates and proteins in the products than indicated.

What brand do you prefer?

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