What happens if you eat moldy bread (even a small piece)


 (Photo: haushaltstipps.net)
(Photo: haushaltstipps.net)

Mold is one of the oldest life forms on the planet. The group of these microorganisms includes dangerous and safe species. Types of mold that are harmless to humans are used both in medicine and in food production. But the rest can become a serious danger to our body.

Mold always forms on food when it is damp for a long time. Most people throw away such spoiled food, and some simply cut off the affected parts and eat them without even thinking about the negative consequences. But they do exist and this must be remembered.

Why is mold dangerous?

Mold produces toxins and poisons that negatively affect the body of living things, leading to mycoses. And scientists call this fungus the "silent killer."

Mold settling on food is considered the most dangerous. Indeed, when such food is swallowed, both the spores themselves and the entire fungal system, in which there is a huge concentration of dangerous substances, enter the body.

At the same time, the fungus is harmful not only when eating contaminated foods. Even contact with such food can cause eczema, dermatitis, and allergies. And inhalation, for example, if you look into a saucepan with a long standing soup, can result in rhinitis, severe coughing and even bronchial asthma.

What to do with moldy food?

Having found moldy foods in the refrigerator, people are divided into "two camps": some throw them away immediately, others, believing that it will not hurt, continue to use them.

But you shouldn't do that. After all, the danger is that we see only the upper part of the fungus - a colored fluff. And this microorganism has a huge mycelium that penetrates deep into the product. And you cannot notice it without special equipment. Even if you remove the damaged part, the microorganism will still penetrate you and still end up inside.

It is not always possible to detect spores, but a characteristic musty smell can tell about the presence of mold (Photo: wpimg.pl)
It is not always possible to detect spores, but a characteristic musty smell can tell about the presence of mold (Photo: wpimg.pl)

It is believed that the beneficial fungus penicillin, unlike other microorganisms, has a black fluff. And there is. But even noticing it, you should not try to independently determine the type of fungus. Firstly, you can always make a mistake, and secondly, the products may contain combined mushrooms from several species.

The best and safest solution is to throw them away immediately if you notice dark spots on food. And the place where they were stored, rinse with a weak solution of soda.

How can the use of such products end up?

The fungus, penetrating into our body, stops receiving oxygen and dies under the influence of gastric juice. But at the same time, it manages to release toxins that can lead to serious negative consequences. Poisoning manifests itself in the form of nausea, headache, diarrhea, lethargy.

Poisoning a small piece of moldy bread is tricky, but the risk still exists. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Poisoning a small piece of moldy bread is tricky, but the risk still exists. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

Therefore, it is so important to carefully examine the products. And remember - most often it appears on flour products, for example, lavash, bread. Moreover, this can happen even 1-2 days after the purchase, manifesting itself only in the form of small black dots, which are very difficult to notice. Having found the first symptoms in yourself, you should do the following:

  • To provoke vomiting, which will maximize the purification of the body from toxins.
  • Take any absorbent on hand.
  • Drink plenty of water, and it should be warm - due to this, the kidneys are quickly activated and will be able to remove poisons faster.

It helps well with mushroom poisoning - fruit drink based on sour berries.

Are there any healthy foods with fungus?

As we said, food fungus is a dangerous thing. But in stores you can find many products with mold, and they are sold at a fairly high price. Are they helpful?

The most famous such product is cheese, such as Roquefort or Brie. It contains a large amount of useful substances that improve the condition of bone tissue, normalize metabolic processes. And substances that secrete protein have a positive effect on the state of the heart and nervous system.

Moldy foods are always expensive due to the difficulty in obtaining them (Photo: therind.co.uk)
Moldy foods are always expensive due to the difficulty in obtaining them (Photo: therind.co.uk)

Few people know, but salami is also "enriched" with mold, you can also find other types of sausages on sale. Surprisingly, in this form, the fungus does not harm, on the contrary, the use of such products strengthens the body's defenses.

But of course, in their production, useful penicillin is used, which is not formed at home. Therefore, having noticed the signs of fungus on the "Dutch" cheese, the product should be thrown away, and not eaten.


Spoilt rotten: good and bad mold

Is Moldy Food Dangerous? Not always

How Bad Is It to Eat Cheese With Mold on It?

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