How to prepare pickled apples - 3 retsepta


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Remember, as soon as the autumn smell of ripe apples? And even better - pickled? I offer three ancient village recipe urinating in store apples.

Specific taste pickled apples every known since childhood. For a snack right thing - to choose the right sort of fruit.
Good choice grade "Antonovka", as it has firm flesh and a harmonious blend of sweet and sour flavors.

For more flavor with the apples should be used herbs, berries, leaves, shrubs, mint.
Along with the fruit can make sour cabbage and cranberries - turns out very juicy and appetizing snack.

A simple recipe pickled apples grade "Antonovka" at home

For this recipe is better to use ripe fruit and unripe recommended to sustain a few days just in the conditions of the apartment.

Cooking method:

  • Traditionally, apples soaked in the tub. They laid peduncles up to go faster fermentation process. Fruit distributed between layers of leaves cherries and currants.
  • Make a brine. Per kilogram of fruit takes 1.5 liters of boiled water, four tablespoons of white sugar and a spoon with a hill of salt.
  • Cooked pickle add to the fruit, put on top load and cover "construction" clean gauze.
  • A few days apples need to hold in heat to run the process of oxidation. After that, remove them in a cool place for 1.5 months.

Pickled apples in a bucket

If there were no wooden tubs, and do not want to mess with your bank in your arsenal, you will come to the rescue of a simple enamel bucket. The main thing is that the container has no rust and chips.

Before proceeding to the process of soaking apples container to be treated with hot water having dissolved therein soda, and then well rinsed it with plain water. Apples, we need solid, free of defects, the average size.

Cooking method:

  • Displacement standard bucket - this is eight liters, so we take the 6 kg of apples. Marinade prepare 180 g of salt and sugar. We also need raspberry and currant leaves (about 15 pieces).
  • Leaves berries and fruit wash. At the bottom of the tank decompose berry leaves and put the fruit peduncles up. Between apples also make a green layer.
  • In vskipyachonnoy stir salt water and sugar. Fill the resulting brine to the fruit, cover the bucket with a cloth and held for three weeks in a cool dark place.
  • Once the pulp of apples prosolitsya, fruit can be shifted to the banks together with the marinade, close the lid and put them in the refrigerator.

Pickled apples mustard

A classic recipe pickled apples provides for the addition of sugar. But here's the honey will give the fruit a special sweetness, and mustard will make it taste more sharp and will keep the fruit after salting density.

Cooking method:

  • The bottom of the tub close straw spread on it a first layer of apples will then again straw and fruits, and so on until the container top. The straw may be replaced by leaves of berry bushes and fruit trees.
  • Brine ten liters of water glass dissolve sugar, salt polstakana, three tablespoons of mustard and two tablespoons of honey. Once the marinade comes to a boil, turn off the light, giving the composition to cool and then fill them apples.
  • Close the fruit with straw, cover the tub with the contents of a clean gauze and fasten the metal ring. Put on top of the yoke.
  • Remove the starter in a cool place for 1 - 1.5 months.

Pickled apples "Antonovka" banks

Pickled apples - a true Russian product, because even our grandmothers knew how to spring to preserve all the benefits and taste of the fruit.

There are many recipes for apple ferment with different additives, but they are intended for bulk barrels.

Today's mistress - a modern city dwellers who prepare pickled apples in conventional three-liter jar.

Cooking method:

  • Take the whole fruit apples. Large fruit sliced ​​small you can leave in one piece. Spread apples on the net three-liter jar.
  • Prepare the brine: five kilograms of fruit you need 2.5 liters of water and a spoonful of white sweet sand and salt. The dry ingredients are added to water, boiled, and then fill the jars with hot marinade their contents.
  • Cover the container lids and send in the refrigerator. If a month is not prosolilis fruit, just waiting for another fortnight.

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