Why not Kwasi cabbage?


We decided nakvasit crispy cabbage for the winter, did everything by the rules, but something went wrong... Well, not all of kvass! What is the reason?

C cabbage ferment process familiar to many experienced hostess, but even they are in compliance with all rules, are faced with the fact that instead of the leaven of the harvesting of vegetables gets musty smell.

Why not Kwasi cabbage, and goes out and how to avoid failures in the process? Is it possible to save a failed pickle? How to choose the right vegetables and make tasty salting?

Why not Kwasi cabbage?

The fermentation process is a chemical reaction, which resulted in the formation of lactic acid bacteria, to help reach the desired degree of cabbage leaven.

For propagation of these bacteria is necessary to observe a certain indoor temperature - from 17 to 21 ° C, the proportions of salt, purity and vegetable packaging.
Hence the answer to the question: "Why do not kisnet cabbage?".

Why cabbage goes out?

It would seem that you have done everything correctly, but the product is getting worse instead of the expected leaven - acquires a dark color, characteristic appears excessively musty smell and acid taste bad, instead it becomes soft crisp and slippery.

Find out why the cabbage brew and goes out as possible.

Identifies a number of reasons due to which the workpiece may be damaged after cooking:

1) not allocate the right amount of juice. Before laid shredded cabbage in a container, you need to mash it up a bit to release the juice.
2) Not observed quality and the proportion of salt. The preparation should be used rock salt or salt usually large, without additives. Recommended by 1 kg of vegetables to add 1,5-2 tablespoons of salt.
3) "Suffocation" fermentation gases. On the third day, the contents of the banks need to pierce with a wooden stick to release the accumulated hydrogen sulfide (carbon dioxide). This should be done at least 3 times a day. air. We can not allow oxygen ingress into the container with the product. Care should be taken so that the brine completely covers it.
4) wound fungus. On the 2nd or 3rd day from the surface of the workpiece appears foam. It must be removed to complete disappearance or she contributes to the formation of fungus, which leads to damping.
5) Use of suitable grades. To leaven fit later (winter) heads of cabbage varieties. Collect them in late September - early October.

How to revive the sauerkraut

In some cases, the pickle can be returned to the normal fermentation process and the product again will give you a nice color and smell, and eating will be tasty and healthy.
When there is a musty odor in the product, can no longer do anything, so watch carefully for process in the container with the moment put a bottle of kvass in time to save all content.

If not fermented

On the 2nd day of the workpiece to be prepared to start a brew but visible when viewed from the process is not moving.
In this case, if the cabbage is fermented, but has a normal appearance and odor, you will need to perform a few simple steps to save her:
1) It is necessary to add capacity to the product a little sugar diluted with water - 2 hours. spoon on 1 kg of vegetables.
2) Adjust the temperature of the environment where kvass cabbage. She does not like the cold environment and severe overheating. About what the temperature must be maintained, it mentioned above.

If overdone

The product can be reanimated when oversalting happened, and it has become tasteless.
Ways to restore electrolyte balance:
1) It is necessary to remove the contents from the container and mixed with prepared fresh vegetables (carrot, peppers, apples, etc.). They have absorbed some of the salt and give a spicy taste of cabbage.
2) If the brine has already managed to stand out and to cover all the cabbage chips, then you need a tablespoon scoop it (but not all - only at the top) and add boiled water at room temperature.

If these methods did not help to reduce the excess salt, do not despair.
Such a blank is well used in soup, soup, a sauce for filling, a filling for pies, make-bag with meat and rice, which will delay the excess salt.
Can be used as a separate dish, but before tucking it generously with vegetable oil and onions.

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