Some of the foods that end up on our table are not nearly as safe as they might seem at first glance - many of them really threaten health and life. Therefore, it is so important to reduce their use to a minimum, and it is better to completely abandon some of them, especially in the children's diet.
The leaves of this plant contain a lot of oxalic acid. Its ingestion can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Yes, for this you need to eat at least a few kilograms of rhubarb at once, but if you use it on a regular basis, there is a risk.
Therefore, keep track of its amount in your diet and remember - the better it is processed before serving, the safer.
Seeds of berries and fruits
Few people know, but the seeds of some berries and fruits contain dangerous hydrogen cyanide (popularly known as hydrocyanic acid). Many are sure that this substance is contained only in the pits of peaches and apricots, but you may be surprised - there is a small amount in apple and cherry pits.
For this reason, it is undesirable to regularly eat (and many split peach pits to get to the "middle"), so as not to harm the body.
Incidentally, this is a dangerous hallucinogen. But this is not the main thing - the use of this nut in large quantities can cause seizures, seizures and even death. Undoubtedly, most of us use nutmeg as a seasoning and in small quantities, but if you do decide to try it, be aware of the possible consequences.
Yes, regular potatoes can be fatal. And it's all about glycoalkaloids, which are found in leaves, sprouts, and stems. In addition, these dangerous substances also accumulate in the roots themselves, especially if they lie under the influence of sunlight for a long time.
If they enter the body, it can cause diarrhea, seizures, headaches, coma and, in severe cases, death.
According to doctors, 3-6 mm of this substance can kill an adult. Therefore, do not eat greenish potatoes.
There are two types of almonds - bitter and sweet. And it is the bitter one that is dangerous, since it contains hydrogen cyanide. Some doctors believe that it is enough to eat 10 unprocessed nuts to get serious health problems in general.
Naturally, many people eat almonds throughout their lives and feel good, but the danger should always be remembered.
Raw honey
The honey that undergoes the pasteurization process is not dangerous as it removes toxins from it. But in the unpasteurized product there is a substance such as andromedotoxin. And it is this that can lead to nausea, weakness, pain in the head. Even 1 tbsp is enough. such honey that these symptoms appear, and 3-4 tablespoons, eaten in a short period of time, can lead to more serious consequences.
Therefore, you should definitely check honey before buying, without saving on it.
The main danger is the alkaline poisons in the leaves and stems, which can cause serious stomach problems. But you need to remember that similar substances are also found in green tomatoes. True, in order to get poisoned, you need to eat a lot of these vegetables, which is quite problematic.
The main danger of this fish is that its meat may contain mercury, and other hazardous substances, for example, heavy metals. Undoubtedly, to get a lethal dose, you need to eat tons of infected fish, but even a small the amount of this substance can cause serious problems: impaired kidney function, problems in brain work.
During pregnancy and lactation, in childhood, it is generally better not to eat tuna in any form.
At the same time, it is also advisable to abandon other ocean fish - it is better to include river or sea fish in the diet.
Another wish is not to buy a product supplied from China. In this country, fish are raised in small pools, where they swim in their own faeces, and even feed them with growth hormones.
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