Errors in Sauerkraut


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Why not crispy sauerkraut? Too soft, dark and smells bad? Let us most errors sauerkraut in winter.

Very often the result of sauerkraut becomes something unpleasant, bad smelling and a strange-looking substance. Yes, even without a product or a snack, and the substance.
This dark, slippery and often with a rotten smell.

Why, instead of cabbage fermentation process begins to deteriorate, and how to ensure that it always turned out tasty and crisp, with a light sweet and sour brine?
Let's investigate.

Why cabbage becomes soft and not crispy?

As a rule, all the "blame" the original product itself: for pickling should choose late-ripening varieties of cabbage (in most of them, and they go into sauerkraut), with the forks should not be overripe and have signs damage.

From the soft, immature cabbages crunchy sauerkraut and will not work.

Importantly the amount of salt: the longer it is, the more crispy product will, however, this factor needs to be careful too large amount of salt is undesirable effect on the product taste - it will be more dry, tight and of course salt.

Therefore, it is important to maintain the original proportions specified in the recipe.
Oh, and one more factor: want, believe it or check - say that if booze cabbage in a bad mood, or because "it's necessary", it will always turn out not so good. So with a good attitude, a proven recipe and following the rules can get a wonderful crunchy sauerkraut.

What mistakes often made by inexperienced housewife with sauerkraut?

Frankly - I myself spoiled cabbage, it was.

And not even just that one day I simply "screwed up" - and at the exit received the most smelly something about which wrote above.
It was very sorry effort and time that I spent on the preparation of sauerkraut.
The next time I took into account their mistakes, but eventually made the right decision: cabbage stagnate and became acid-prekisloy.
More or less edible product I received only the third time, and then at the prompt mothers.
So before you are ready to make sour cabbage, be sure to read tips from experienced housewives:

  • Most importantly - keep proportions. The amount of salt to the number of cabbage should be proportional.
    On average forks cabbage (2.5-3 kg) - 2-2,5 tablespoon salt.
    If salt is not enough, the cabbage will not let the juice - namely in the juice begins start the fermentation process.
    The normal amount of salt to provoke a large amount of brine - so the cabbage should be booze in large capacity, to have a place for the brine.

2. A lot of carrots.
Many do not cabbage fermented carrots. And that's why.
A large number of carrots delivers the same large amounts of mucus, there is a "snotty" cabbage unpleasant.
Of course, sometimes you want to "dilute" the monotony of cabbage snacks - but do not overdo it.
By the way, it turns out excellent sauerkraut with raw beetroot - and beautiful, and very tasty.
Well, about the carrot - per kilogram of cabbage raw materials will be sufficient 100 grams of carrots.

3. Fermentation temperature: after 3-4 days at room temperature, the container with cabbage should be moved to cool, for example, on a balcony. There, she "ripen" for a long time and is delicious.

4. Many people neglect this simple procedure, "Piercing rod" fermented product.
This technique allows time to remove the carbon dioxide formed. Excess gas affects both the crispness and the color of the resulting product.

5. good cabbage obtained from frostbitten Vilkov, it will start to smell and will not be crispy.
Also, do not make sauerkraut from freshly plucked heads of cabbage, it is necessary that they lay for some time after cleaning. Two-minute of the day is normal.

6. For salting will be good wooden packaging, or enamelled or glass containers.

7. One more secret: The laying on pickling, cabbage should be well compacted, and not neglect the extra load.
My yoke is a three-liter jar with water, hoisted into a wide deep dish.

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