Doctors named the 7 most important foods for women over 45


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Doctors note: a woman's body after 45 years old needs fewer calories, but it also additional nutrients are important to help maintain health during the period menopause. And during this period, it is worth including in your diet foods that will help him cope with negative effects, stop the aging process.


Experts recommend replacing traditional meat and dairy products with soy products. The fact is that they contain phytoestrogens, which are similar to the natural estrogens of women. Consuming soy products can help regulate the level of these hormones, which decrease sharply as the body approaches menopause.

In addition, another advantage of soy is the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dairy products

The older we get, the more fragile our bones become. To prevent such a complex disease as osteoporosis, after 45 years, it is important to consume at least 1200 mg of calcium daily. The most affordable option is the inclusion of cottage cheese and dairy products in the diet, since they are absorbed much better than milk.

Yogurt is very useful at any age, most importantly, only natural (Photo:
Yogurt is very useful at any age, most importantly, only natural (Photo:


The beneficial properties of this spice have been known for many centuries. But recent studies have shown that its regular use maintains normal brain function, helps prevent intellectual decline. Namely, this is observed in both women and men with age.

Pumpkin seeds

The peculiarity of the female body is such that with age, the risk of anemia increases, which is caused by a lack of iron and low hemoglobin. To avoid this, it's important to include pumpkin seeds in your diet, which are an excellent source of iron. In addition, they contain vitamins A and E, which are necessary to slow down the aging process.

Pumpkin seeds contain essential acids useful for our body (Photo:
Pumpkin seeds contain essential acids useful for our body (Photo:


Including this product in your diet will protect you from vitamin D deficiency. But with age, it is absorbed more and more poorly, because of which the whole organism suffers.


You need to consume more green and black tea, which are a rich source of flavonoids. According to the available data, these antioxidant substances reduce the likelihood of lung cancer, and this form of the disease is considered the most common in women aged 50-80.

But only natural tea is healthy, not a drink in bags (Photo:
But only natural tea is healthy, not a drink in bags (Photo:


Healthy and affordable fish, which contains a lot of omega-3 acids. Providing them to your body can reduce your risk of breast cancer. In addition, this fish contains a lot of vitamin D and high quality protein, which are important for preventing age-related changes.


An inexpensive way to get the vitamin C your body needs. In addition, these fruits contain a lot of folic acid, flavonoids.

Not only the pulp of apples is useful, but also the bones and even the peel (Photo:
Not only the pulp of apples is useful, but also the bones and even the peel (Photo:

Their regular use is an effective prevention of constipation, and this problem is more urgent for women after 40-50 years than for men.

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