What foods contain gluten and why should it be eliminated after 40


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 (Photo: saudedica.com)
(Photo: saudedica.com)

Today, there is more and more talk about the dangers of gluten products. However, many still do not know why this food should be gradually eliminated from the diet (especially at the age of 40), and where exactly this protein is found.

What is gluten?

There is an erroneous stereotype - all proteins, especially plant proteins, are very useful for our body. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to imagine a complete diet without protein substances, but it is important to understand that the main thing is not their availability, but quality. And although gluten is found in most cereal proteins (wheat, barley, etc.), its ingestion can cause serious problems.

Despite the words of scientists about the dangers of gluten, there are still people who give one single argument: our ancestors have used cereals for a long time, which were the basis of the diet. But research confirms: the wheat that the first people ate is far from the composition that we use today - GMOs, hybridization of crops led to this.

Gluten is found in many foods. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Gluten is found in many foods. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

According to the latest data, an average person eats about 60 kg of grain per year. But this actually threatens with serious health problems.

Why is harmful protein dangerous?

The first danger is the development of an allergic reaction. And the problem is that it can appear at any age. In addition to unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and redness of the skin, gluten allergy is also dangerous because in this case there may be problems with the intestines, dysbiosis, and indigestion.

Another danger is celiac disease, in which gluten intolerance is inherited. The only way out is to completely change the diet and exclude a number of food products from it.

But alas, there are other problems that can be encountered when consuming gluten:

  • Deterioration of brain activity. This is exactly what you can face if you use baked goods on a regular basis. As a result of such a love for flour products - Alzheimer's disease, as well as problems with blood vessels and heart.
  • Insufficient absorption of nutrients. This is caused by the stickiness of gluten: the substance, getting into the intestine, begins to irritate its walls. But gluten is much more dangerous in that it interferes with the absorption of useful substances.

Gluten supplements are widespread not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology: they are included in shampoos, balms, lipsticks. Moreover, even if the composition does not indicate the presence of gluten, vitamin E, often included in the composition, is obtained from wheat, which means that gluten in such cosmetics will be 100%. Yes, it is not absorbed through the skin, but if you use a lipstick with gluten, protein particles will enter the body, which can end badly for people with intolerances or allergies.

The main symptoms of intolerance and allergies

As we said, allergies to this substance can develop at any age. Moreover, the first unpleasant symptoms can develop within an hour after eating.

It manifests itself as follows:

  • stomach ache;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • temperature rise.

Often, unpleasant symptoms such as pain in the head and anxiety are added to this.

But the symptoms of gluten intolerance usually appear the next day:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • dermatitis;
  • lethargy and fatigue.
If you have stomach pain or indigestion after eating foods, it could be gluten intolerance. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
If you have stomach pain or indigestion after eating foods, it could be gluten intolerance. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

Unpleasant sensations are often complemented by vomiting and diarrhea.

By the way, it is most dangerous to include foods with gluten in food after the age of 40. This is due to the fact that during this period our body is no longer young, cells and tissues are worn out, organs are worse at coping with their work. Eating gluten-free foods threatens the intestines to completely stop doing their job over time.

What foods contain gluten?

The main product that contains gluten is flour. And the more it is in the flour, the better the dough will be (softer, fluffier). But gluten is also found in other products, just in different proportions.

For example, gluten is found in most cereals (cut, wheat, oats), in some drinks, in sports nutrition.

Manufacturers add gluten to products to reduce costs. (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Manufacturers add gluten to products to reduce costs. (Photo: Pixabay.com)

But you can also find products with traces of gluten in the store shelves. They are not so dangerous for allergy sufferers or those who have an intolerance to this substance, but they can still cause discomfort after ingestion. So, traces of gluten can be found in ketchups, sauces (store), nuts, factory milk, even dried fruits.

If you don't want to eat gluten-free foods, buy items marked “Gluten free”.

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