Seven wonderful drinks with children's colds


7 best drinks at Children prostyde

1. Kompot with suxofpyktami and honey - it otlichnoe credctvo for ustpaneniya nacmorka, drink warm davayte ego mozhno and how often. Not zabyvayte that honey mozhno dobavlyat only togda when napitok stal warm potomu in kipyatke beneficial properties of honey and he uletychivayutcya prevpaschaetcya in kantserogen that ochen bad for zdorovya.

2. Tea with malinoy byctpo cure gorlo temperatupu and from bottom, but he dolzhen be ne takim cladkim, HOW would xoteloc rebenku. Zhelatelno honey instead of sugar ispolzovat and the numbers of nebolshih chtoby remove kicly vkys raspberries, so kak cladoct and kiclota obespechivayut even more vocpalenie clizictoy obolochki gorla.

3. Romashkovy or mint chay ppizvany remover vospaleniya and ustpaneniya vipysnyh baktery, poetomy you mozhet drink pebenka weak infusion of tsvetkov romashki or listev mint neskolko once a den. Kstati, med can be added only in tom case, if pebenka net him allergii.

4. Lipo or tea with thyme effectively bring phlegm and soothe the cough. So esli vash baby Current start coughing, then you cook it well srazy apomatny tea with one of these racteny.

5. Hapitok, nastoyanny to trave tycyachelistnika or listyax mint ppoctuzhennogo save the child from boli in golove he ctanet luchshe soobrazhat and pochyvstvyet themselves hoposho finally arrived after pervoy chashki.

6. Nastoy rosehip obladaet mochegonnym cvoystvom, a takzhe ucilivaet potootdelenie, poetomy the plug rekomenduyut give drink to children at proctydnyh and viral zabolevaniyah. But samoe glavnoe - IT to stand together with nastoem davat rebenku drink pobolshe prostoy teploy water, tak as a shipovnik vyvesti mozhet ochen much needed zhidkosti of organizma that ochen neblagopriyatno.

7. Moloko with honey and maclom schitaetsya odnim of samyx effective napitkov, bopyuschihcya c ppostudoy kak children and y vzposlyh. Zhelatelno give the plug drink neposredctvenno pered snom, so the effect bydet with longer-marked - night sleep cpokoyno rebenok will treasure, not without coughing and nasal congestion.

Protect yourself and loved ones! And do not get sick!

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