5 myths about palm oil that many still naively believe in


(Photo: summitgulf.com)
(Photo: summitgulf.com)

For many, the concept of "palm oil" is as terrible as the nuclear power plant, the apocalypse, the ulcer. What is not attributed to this product - both causes cancer and is dangerous for children, since it is not absorbed by our body. But it is worth remembering that this natural product has long been used in Indonesia, Benin, and other countries, where it is added to salads, fried in it and, surprisingly, do not get sick.

We decided to dispel 5 of the most famous myths about this product so that you will no longer be intimidated by the phrase "palm oil" if you see it on the product label.

Myth 1. Palm oil is extracted from the palm tree

Many people sincerely believe that palm oil is obtained from palm trees: they cut down the trees, grind it, squeezing out the oil. This opinion is partially true, but the liquid itself is obtained not from tree chips, but from palm fruits.

If the pulp is processed, it is palm oil that is obtained, but if the kernels are also processed, then the producer receives a palm kernel product.

Myth 2. The product is not absorbed by the body

For some reason, many believe that the melting point of such a product is higher than the temperature of the human body. According to such "experts", getting into the stomach, the oil is not digested by the body, it is excreted unchanged.

But in this case, we can say that the fat, beloved by many, is not processed by our the body, because the melting temperature of fat is about +42 ⁰С, palm oil is less - about +37 ⁰C.

In countries where oil is mined, salads are seasoned with it, used for frying (Photo: slickpic.com)
In countries where oil is mined, salads are seasoned with it, used for frying (Photo: slickpic.com)

In fact, like any product that enters our body, palm oil is broken down into glycerin, fatty acids, and is completely absorbed by the body.

Myth 3. There is no useful in this product, it causes many diseases

Yes, in the opinion of many people, this product causes a wide variety of diseases: cancer, cardiovascular system, genetic malfunctions in the body, possibly palm oil - the cause of fever Ebola.

But trans isomers of fatty acids (trans fats) are dangerous. They negatively affect the rate of metabolic processes, disrupt the work of enzymes, change the structure of cells, which increases the risk of developing the above diseases. Palm oil has zero trans fat content.

It's just that not everyone knows that these substances are formed during the hydrogenation of oils (when the process of converting liquid oils into solid ones occurs). In the usual margarine, there are trans fats, but in pure palm oil - no.

Myth 4. It's poison for children

Yes, we can say that part of the palm oil is found in infant formula. However, many believe that it is added in its pure form, but no - the manufacturer uses palmitic acid. It is, by the way, found in human breast milk.

Do not be intimidated by the presence of this component in infant formula (Photo: dreamstime.com)
Do not be intimidated by the presence of this component in infant formula (Photo: dreamstime.com)

Another misconception is that palm oil causes allergies. But this is not the case. The main cause of allergies is protein foods (chicken, eggs), and this is a fatty component. Modern manufacturers use several types of oils that are perfectly absorbed and do not cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Myth 5. Differs in low quality

For some reason, many are sure that low-quality palm oil is supplied to Russia, "but this would not be allowed in Europe."

But in our country, the same oil is used as in other states, since it is also bought in one place - in Indonesia or Malaysia.

In addition, when importing a product, all services must check it. Therefore, manufacturers use exactly the same palm oil as in Germany and other countries.

An interesting fact: this product first appeared in the USSR back in the 70s - it was sent as a gift from Cameroon for the financial assistance provided.

Links to work and research:

  • Research on the effects of beta carotene in the fight against cancer:


  • Statistics of total imports of palm oil


  • Statistics on the use of palm oil for food purposes


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