How to cook apple cider


In most cases, the cider is prepared by fermentation of apple juice with no added yeast. But you can use any other juice, for example, pear. The result is not worse.

Let us consider how to make cider at home on ordinary and repeatedly tested recipes. Complex ingredients we do not need, only apples and sugar (optional).

Cider - a sparkling wine from apples only with a different name, which came to us from France, where it is called «Cidre».
The rest of the wine and cooking techniques of cider apples are identical.

Recipe Cider apples

For the preparation of homemade cider on the first prescription needed:
• apples - 10 kg;
• Sugar - 1.5 kg;
• fermentation tanks (suitable three-liter jars);
• the water trap (medical glove).
cider manufacturers use special varieties of apples with high tannin content, but we will do those varieties that grow in our area.

Apples of different varieties can be combined. The ideal ratio is considered, in which one part of sour apple mixed with two parts of sweet.

What to do:

1. Harvested apples wipe with a dry cloth (do not wash!) And put them in 2-3 days in a warm room. On the surface of the fruits of live wild yeast, which we need for fermentation, so the apples can not be washed.

2. Remove leaves and tails. Then the apples with the skin and bones grind meat grinder or blender until a homogenous puree.

3. Fermentation vessel rinse with hot water and wiped dry. Fill it to grind apples to 2/3 volume. For example, when using three-liter cans, in each bank can be set to 2.5 kg of malic slurry. Free space needed for the foam and carbon dioxide.

4. For every kilo of apples to add 120-150 grams of sugar, then mix well.

5. Container neck tie with cheesecloth and put for 3-4 days in a dark warm place. The contents of the cans to be stirred every day, knocking dense top layer. By the next phase of the transition, when there is a characteristic smell of fermentation, foam and hiss.

6. From fermented apple slush squeeze the juice, which is then poured into clean, dry container. Next the can (barrel) to establish a water seal.

7. Domestic apple cider should roam in a dark place at a temperature of about 18-27 ° C 40-65 days. Then the precipitate appears at the bottom, the water seal is not to let the bubbles (glove shall fade) and drink noticeably brighten.

8. It's time filtering cider. The easiest way to merge it with the sludge through a tube, and then passed through four layers of cheesecloth.

9. The filtered liquor pour into bottles and tightly close the caps. It is also the home of cider can be stored in jars, roll covers.

10. Within three months cider must ripen in a cool place (8-12 ° C). Then you can move on to the tasting.

The result is apple cider with honey color, pleasant sweet taste and strength of 6-7 degrees. It is very easy to drink and does not cause hangovers. Pear cider is made of the same technology. Still it is possible to prepare Assorted - mix pears and apples in equal parts, it turns out very tasty.

Recipe for apple cider juice without sugar

A classic recipe, which is used in England and France. Will please fans of natural drinks as sugar (not to mention the yeast) is not added. Quite simply limit.

Technology of preparation:

1. Squeeze the juice from apples and defend him for a day in a dark place at room temperature.

2. Remove the juice from the sediment, then pour into the fermentation container and install a water seal (medical gloves).

3. Supply container for 3-4 weeks in a dark place with a temperature of 20-27 ° C.

4. Strain the cider through a straw into another container, being careful not to touch the sediment at the bottom.

5. Tightly close the container with a lid and put in 3-4 months in a dark room with a temperature of + 10-12 ° C.

6. Again filtered, pour into bottles and cork tightly.

When stored in the refrigerator or basement shelf life - 6-9 months.

Depending on the sugar content of the apples beverage strength is from 3 to 8 degrees.
Cider should be drunk chilled.


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