Do you still remember that in our country the electorate should be imbued with the idea of import substitution? If so, then, undoubtedly, faced with completely wild options for replacing imported products.
So, my advice to you is - don't risk it!
It is better to look for an analogue of something "regional import", which is made by a normal, honest manufacturer, even here, in Russia, than to be perverted, trying to mix something original and substitute.
Because nothing good will come of it.
You know, I can't help but remember the "ersatz-caviar" that was made during the Soviet era. From decoy. There are a great many options for this simple and cheap snack, but in the records that I privatized from my mother, I found this
• Pickle from herring
• Semolina
• Tomato paste
• Vegetable oil
• Onion
I deliberately do not give either a gramme or a recipe for cooking, because there is no need to cook all this! You don't have to force your taste buds, trying to figure out how you can eat this, and what the hell pulled you into the mess to cook. It is better to eat the herring separately, semolina porridge separately, use tomato paste to make stewed cabbage, and pour the pickle from the herring into the toilet where it belongs.
Once at our house, my mother took a chance and did it - at work, colleagues piled too much, they say, well, caviar is straight, not red, of course, but "like pollock." I did not dare to experiment more with substitutions and substitutions.
And I would not repeat the mistakes, but the recipe for replacing mozzarella with a mash with a dominant condensed milk was picked up by a respected resource, and even, it turns out, was invented by an equally respected chef... I will not name the name, I will not disgrace person.
Maybe he was joking, but they believed him?
He suggested replacing mozzarella in caprese salad: season the cottage cheese with cream with condensed milk, season with balsamic vinegar and salt. And - in the salad. Uh-huh. The one with tomatoes and basil.
-My God, what a disgusting thing! - my wife was indignant, having tasted ersatz.
And I realized that there was no need to "create and get up". It was better to eat just cottage cheese with condensed milk. Or separately. Even after the tomato with basil, even before them.