Culinary investigation: what oil is better (and healthier) to cook with. Creamy versus vegetable


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Culinary investigation: what oil is better (and healthier) to cook with. Creamy versus vegetable

All my still not very long life, I was in the confidence: it is necessary to fry only in vegetable oil, it is useful, and butter is hell and harm.

But it so happened that I had to take care of the diet - because of my health, and lose weight, and, therefore, adjust the diet towards the correct one. And, since my independent attempts ended in fiasco (I like to eat too much and eat deliciously), I had to turn to a specialist for help.

And this lady told me: if we fry something, then it is better to take not vegetable oil, but butter - this is more useful.

The first reaction was - what? There are also calories, cholesterol, and a bunch of harmful substances.

It turned out that everything is so, but not so.

Cholesterol, of course, is present, and it is believed to be harmful, it is formed after melting, but this does not mean that it will immediately be deposited on the vessels.

But on the other hand, butter contains ribroflavin, carotene, tocopherol, vitamins PP and D, pyridoxine, without which the body cannot.

And its caloric content is not at all higher than that of vegetable oil, on the contrary. For comparison - the calorie content of butter and the most popular with us, sunflower oil

Calorie content and composition of butter per 100 g of product:

• Calories - 717

• Proteins - 0.5 g

• Fat - 81 g

• Carbohydrates -0.1 g

Calorie content and composition of sunflower oil per 100 g of product:

• Calories - 884

• Proteins - 0 g

• Fat - 100 g

• Carbohydrates –0 g

So here, it turns out, you can only look at the culinary properties.

The problem is that butter has a very low smoke point - smoke point. Milk fats contain a lot of proteins and sugars, which, when heated to 120–150 ° C, begin to crystallize and burn.

It spoils the taste. Therefore, it is simply good to use butter only for those products that undergo a short heat treatment - pancakes, for example, eggs. But if you plan to fry meat, and even for a long time, butter is no longer helpers here. Nor can you fry potatoes in plain butter.

But if you take ghee, purified from various impurities, then its range of application is much wider. - since it has an increased smoking temperature (about 250 ° C), and therefore it can be used even during deep fried.

Another plus of animal fats is that products fried on them taste more delicate and at the same time bright.

So if you love butter but don't use it because it's harmful, don't be afraid. The devil is not so terrible, honestly.

Vegetable oil is also necessary, but we use it not only in fried dishes, but also in salads.

And therefore, if there is an opportunity to fry in butter, fry it. The main thing is not with high heat, if it is not melted, not for too long (5-10 minutes maximum), and, of course, without using the same oil (its residues in the pan) several times.

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