Tired of short-term diets



All a good day and a warm, sunny spring!

Many people believe that hunger is the best aid in weight loss. In fact, hunger is the worst enemy. If you sharply and for a long time limit the body in nutrients, the strongest instinct will work - the instinct of self-preservation. The body will do everything to survive in conditions of huge nutritional deficiencies, thinking that the times of famine have come.

For the sake of saving energy, various processes in the body will slow down, from metabolism to childbirth.

And if at first you gained a good pace in losing weight, then over time the process will slow down. You will eat even less, and the weight will stand still.

And most likely at this moment your hands will drop and you will give up losing weight and return to your previous meal.

The body screams - hurray! He survived! But you never know what else comes into our heads, the organism thinks. We need to stock up! And everything that you threw off at the beginning of your strict diet comes back to you with lightning speed, and even brings friends. Because you again began to eat more than you need, and you have already slowed down your metabolism decently.

And at this moment, the main thing is not to designate yourself as a failure, not to believe that you have a wide bone, heredity, and not to come up with other excuses.

Start living in a new way! Switch from hunger and restrictions, start simply to control your nutrition: calculate your norm calories, set a minimum deficit (for example 15%) and stick to the established calorie intake diet.

By tradition, I will show my menu as an example of a diet based on calorie counting.

โ›”I am citing my menu only as an example of nutrition based on KBZhU counting, since the calorie rate is individual and each of us has our own, as well as the calorie deficit.
To draw up an individual menu, contact the specialists.

My Sunday breakfast is a lazy breakfast. The sandwiches were the easiest to prepare. But we use whole grain bread - these are complex carbohydrates that provide saturation for a long time.

Breakfast - 65 g of whole grain bread, 30 g of cottage cheese, 40 g of carp caviar and 40 g of chicken liver pate. And also 50 g of milk 2.5% and 10 g of syrup in coffee.

Happened 465 kcal.

On Saturday we went on business to Moscow and walked a little. We managed to take several new photos, otherwise more and more โ€œnon-believersโ€ appear and do not understand how to increase the calorie intake (after a deficit) and not get fat. Probably they think that over the winter I blurred back to 132 kg, so the photo was not enough (and winter is not to blame for everything). You will not wait๐Ÿ˜‚.


Regular readers may have noticed that I began to arrange myself a weekend from the blog. Even if it is even, the blog is the place where I get tired the most and more often from misunderstanding people and even more from their unwillingness to understand and do something for oneself, perceiving with hostility any attempts by other readers to do anything to them explain. But more on that later, at the end of the article.

And my Sunday snack consisted of 120 apples and 30 g of marshmallows - 170 kcal.

And of course, green tea. I drink tea without sugar and sakhzams, so I do not take it into account in the calorie content of the day.

For lunch, I fried cod for everyone in a small amount of oil (literally 10 g), boiled potatoes and made a vegetable salad. My family asked for fried fish, decided not to bother cooking less high-calorie fish for myself and just add fried to the diet (in your diet and husband - if you remember, he is now also on the count calories).

My lunch: 120 g of boiled potatoes, 150 g of vegetable salad, 200 g of cod - 420 kcal.

And in the afternoon I prepared a vitamin drink. This time, I brewed a handful of raspberries, a handful of sea buckthorn, half a small orange, 4 sprigs of mint in a teapot, squeezed out a little lemon juice and added cinnamon and cloves. I didn't add honey, sweetened it with sahzam.

It turned out to be a fragrant drink with a slight sourness - I really liked it. I wrote down about 50 kcal, I think that the juices of berries and fruits were not even more put into the water.

Dined with baked chicken breast (190 g) and 250 g of stewed zucchini - 325 kcal.

And during the day I ate 25 g of pine nuts - 165 kcal.

The total calorie content of the day was 1595 kcal. B - 112, F - 62, U - 125. Drinking regimen and skin care are a must.

Let me remind you once again that at the moment I am increasing the calorie intake, leaving the calorie deficit, on which I was losing weight, to my rate necessary for me to maintain weight. Now my norm is 1700 kcal and I am already close to it.

And now I want to talk about this.

First, I passed the comment that you will see below, believing that if a person has been reading each article for a year and a half and still does not understand anything, there is no point in explaining something and wasting your time. But after a while, another comment appeared.

The presence of a second comment is already a system, which means that there are many such people.

First of all, I'm very interested in what the first commentator meant by meaningful "or .." Are you all waiting for the magic pill? They don't exist.

And secondly, I sincerely do not understand how you can read a year and a half of an article (as stated in correspondence with other readers) and still fail to understand the basic principle of a calorie deficit. Seriously, how do you do it? Or are we again stepping on the same rake - we look at pictures and descriptions of food, and not the most important information - about how a calorie deficit works?

It seems to me, explain once to the student:

  • calorie deficit - we are losing weight,
  • calorie intake - we maintain weight,
  • calorie surplus - getting better

and the student will understand the first time.

Once again I made a conclusion: if you are not successful, if you do not understand, then you did not try to understand and make everything work out for you.

All delicious and comfortable weight loss and weight maintenance!


Video recipe for cottage cheese muffins with tsom, cabbage and onions, as well as a video recipe for dummy buns:

I just share my experience of losing weight, talk about my menu and share recipes with KBZHU, which I consider for myself. I advise nothing and no one, always seek advice from specialists.

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