Cutlet sauce to make "McDonald's burgers"


Cutlet sauce to make "McDonald

I don't like McDonald's, like many adults. But for some reason the children do not share my dislike. I think not only mine, but also many adults who do not like Mac themselves.

Honestly, I do not understand what is magically attractive in Mac, however... It is magically attractive for children there. A colleague recently had a son, a five-year-old boy, said that French fries and cola are the best children's food. It’s worth drawing a grinning smiley face here, but I don’t know how.

Huge multi-tiered structures with cutlets in many children generally cause uncontrolled salivation.

You can put up with this, you can fight, or you can just use it.

After all, the same hamburgers can be made at home, why not?

Actually, the main constituent component there is sauces. You can find similar ones in stores, or you can do it yourself.

We take:

  • One egg yolk;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • A tablespoon of vinegar (5 percent);
  • A level teaspoon of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of mustard (you can with a slide);
  • 50 grams of ketchup;
  • 30 grams of puree from onions (punch the onion with a blender and it will turn out);
  • Finely chopped gherkins - a spoon or two;
  • Salt, lemon juice - to taste;
  • For lovers - you can add parsley, or you can not add.

How we cook:

For whipping, it is better to use either a mixer or a whisk attachment on a blender, and not knives - I warn you right away.

Mix the egg yolk, salt, vinegar, mustard and sugar and punch for a few seconds.

Very slowly, literally drop by drop, add the butter, continuing to beat. Adding butter too quickly can cause the sauce to separate or not set at all, so be careful.

At the very end, after adding oil, when the sauce is almost ready, add ketchup, onion puree, lemon juice and finely chopped cucumbers. Beat a little so that there is an even consistency.

The taste is very close to the taste of the sauce that is poured over the hamburgers in the Mac. Children will be happy.

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