Delicious cheese and a hearty breakfast, which I eat and have lost weight at 54,5kg.


Greetings to all on your channel for losing weight!

Here I share my weight loss experience and can say losing weight online.

And besides, I share various recipes that cook for himself and his family, which had already lost weight 54.5 kg and losing weight on.

So today I want to offer you a delicious and hearty breakfast cheese. There are those here who loves cheese? For you cheese cake recipe that is cooked very simply in a frying pan.

Let us pamper yourself at breakfast.

✅Nam need:

  • semi-hard low-fat cheese - 50 grams,
  • 2 small eggs (P-2)
  • rice flour - 30 grams,
  • favorite fresh herbs (dill, and I have a bit of green onion)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder,
  • salt to taste.

Let's cook, the more so because it is very simple.

Cheese rub on a coarse grater.

Egg mix, prisalivaem. Adding greens to eggs and cheese and stir.

In the flour add baking powder and mix it with the egg-cheese mixture.

Bake in the preheated nonstick skillet under the hood on two sides by 2 - 3 minute.

Bon Appetit! Our cheese breakfast is ready!

KBZHU per 100 g: K - 235, B - 14.6, M - 13, U - 13.8.
Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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